"No worries, Aunt Ro." De Xi said as she nodded her head in assurance.

De Xi noticed the smug expression on Lu Bai's face but decided to ignore it for the while. She made a mental note to warn him of his annoying actions later on.

Even though she was close to the two old helpers, she would still give Lu Bai some face and not scold him in front of the helpers and servants.

After a few minutes of wait, the family of three was inside the kitchen with all the necessary ingredients needed for Cocoa Pie on the kitchen top.

De Xi was wearing a black apron where Lu Bai was wearing a white one. Lu Chao also wanted to help but was forced to sit on the opposite counter and watch his parents cook.

His mother refused him as she was worried that he might get hurt while helping, whereas his sly fox father refused him to have some alone time with his wife, though it failed as his son was sitting right in front of him.

If it were seven years back, then Lu Chao dare not be alone with his parents as he would be continuously fed dog food by his father and ignorant mother who would just indulge her husband all the time but now things were different or so he thought.

"Mummy, can I just make the cover of the pie?" Lu Chao asked with puppy eyes, which De Xi could never resist.

De Xi looked at her son with a sigh.

Years back before she had this son of hers, she thought there was nothing that could challenge her resolve, but here she was unable to say no to those round and cute puppy eyes.

"Fine, I'll knead the dough and you can make the cover the way you wish." De Xi said with a heavy sigh of defeat.

"Ah Xi, how about you also sit with Little Treasure? I will make the Cocoa Pie by myself." Lu Bai said in a warm tone.

"You sure can, but I don't plan to rebuild my kitchen anytime soon." De Xi declined him harshly with an expressionless face.

"Ah Xi, trust me, I'm really good at cooking now, not like before." Lu Bai immediately defended his cooking skills in front of his wife.

"Apparently yes Mummy, Dad has been even cooking for me every weekend for the past seven years without fail." Lu Chao attested to his father's claim, as his mother was too skeptical to believe him.

Who would believe the person who once set the complete kitchen on fire just to make an egg roll, saying that he can actually cook a highly difficult dessert?

"Even if you can cook normal dishes Fresh Cocoa Pie is not an easy feat to achieve, one wrong step and timing the whole dish will turn bitter." De Xi explained why the dish was difficult for the father-son duo.

"I have already made this dessert, I have mastered it." Lu Bai said confidently. His confidence even made De Xi waver for a minute and reconsider her choice of declining him.

"Mummy father does not know any dessert but this and Kiwi Cheesecake. You can trust him with these two desserts without any doubt." Lu Chao said with an amused smile.

He was not aware as to why his mother was so cautious with leaving his father to cook on his own, but found it satisfying when his mother trusted him without a second thought.

"Then... You can make it, I'll be right beside you if in case... You know accidents can happen in the kitchen unexpectedly." De Xi reluctantly let Lu Bai make the dessert with a heart full of worry.

Lu Bai quickly nodded and washed his hands thoroughly before picking up the ingredients needed and got to work.

De Xi looked at the quantity of the ingredients Lu Bai picked and thought he was playing it safe since the amount was just one-tenth of the total available quantity.

Time passed by quickly and Lu Bai successfully completed making the dessert, with few clumsy actions here and there, which kept De Xi on tenterhooks.

The first thing De Xi did as soon as Lu Bai completed the dessert was to take a small bite, just enough to taste the dessert, to see if it was edible or not.

As soon as the flavor spread through her mouth, she was stunned as her hazel eyes went wide in surprise and shock.

Lu Chao jumped down from the kitchen counter he was sitting on and popped a piece of Coco Pie without any hesitation as he was sure that his father would have made the dish nicely, if not for its perfection.

De Xi was dumbstruck and at a loss for words, she calmly looked towards Lu Bai and then towards Lu Chao who was enjoying his favorite dessert like he always does, taking every bite slowly and reveling in its taste until it disappears completely from his mouth, before taking the next bite.

"How is it?" Lu Bai asked expectantly, waiting for De Xi to compliment him.

"It is good... Great to be honest." De Xi said in a surprised tone as if she witnessed a miracle.

"Really?" Lu Bai asked in shock and surprise. He only expected a good from his wife, but he instead received a great.

He was so happy and delighted, like an elementary school kid who received A+ on his report card along with a star.

"If you were so confident, then why did you make so little? There are many people outside." De Xi asked in confusion, looking at Lu Bai's confidence and how Lu Chao had the first bite without hesitance. It only meant that he really mastered this dessert.

"I will only cook for my wife and children, my service is limited to only you, Little Princess, and Little Treasure." Lu Bai said with a cheeky smirk as he winked towards De Xi, who glared it at him in return.