
When Achuta Made it back, The spirit finally couldn't hold back it's laughter. Seeing Achuta looking at it strangely the spirit spoke up.

Spirit: You do know I can just Absorb the body of the wolf so long as it's in our domain right?

Hearing this, Achuta stiffened before asking another question.

Achuta: What about food?

Spirit: You don't need it. Thanks to signing a contract with me, as long as we have mana, your body will be maintained at optimal condition.

Achuta: So why didn't you tell me before hand?

Spirit: I wanted to see your reaction. You're face has been stuck in the same position since we first met.

Achuta: Sorry.

Spirit: ? Well it was still funny seeing you stiffen up but why are you apologizing?

Achuta: My face has been like this since I can remember.

Spirit: So does this mean you laugh with a straight face?

Achuta: The director says it's difficult to tell when I'm laughing because I don't make any noise.

Spirit: How can he tell?

Achuta: He says I shiver.

2 Weeks Later

After the first month, Achuta Was ready to train for real.

Achuta: But first, Do I get a reward for reaching this point?

Spirit: Of course not. Anyone can reach this point.

Achuta: Tch

Spirit: Did you just click your tongue?

Achuta: Tch

Spirit: Again?

Achuta: Fine, Lets just start.

Spirit: Alright. During your fight with the wolf did you notice it's movement slow down?

Achuta thought for a bit before scenes of the fight began to play through her mind. She Nodded.

Spirit: Then let me explain. During the battle, you were able to move the mana through your body increasing your reaction speed and, by some fortune, you managed to move it through your optic nerves allowing you to perceive things at an accelerated pace. This is called Optic Reinforcement and is one of the simplest forms of reinforcement. Of course, reinforcement magic is not easy to activate as one needs to be able to move one's internal mana to do so. Even more so, it needs to be instinctive or it would be completely useless in battle.

Achuta: That makes sense. When we practiced reinforcement magic earlier it wasn't very convenient.

Spirit: Well after being forced to use it during battle, it should be easier to develop it into muscle memory. Try using it again while going through your spear movements.

Doing what the spirit said, Achuta was able to reinforce her body completely before she felt completely drained.

Spirit: Of course the energy drain is greater when multitasking hahaha! Now, after emptying your mana, I'll have you practice your Mana manual. In this way you will be able to increase your mana capacity at a faster rate.

Achuta: This doesn't feel like magic.

Spirit: What is magic?

Achuta: Isn't it creating special phenomena using mana?

Spirit: And what would you call increasing your strength beyond your physical capabilities?

Achuta: Touche.

Spirit: Don't worry, after you get the hang of reinforcement and than enhancement, I'll teach you enchantment.

Achuta: What about throwing fireballs and turning the surroundings into ice.

Spirit: You need the mana capacity to do those spells. Besides, fireballs? They're a waste of mana. You can do more damage using enchantments on a throwing knife or arrow head.

Achuta: Oh. But it looks cool.

Spirit: I'll teach you when your training is over.

Achuta: OK.