Fun In The Woods

"So your the muscle my cousin hired huh?"

Kennedy's voice was the first thing that Laz heard as he walked out the big wooden doors. She was standing a little ways away, leaning against the brown brick building. Although this type of woman didn't interest Laz, he had to admit that she had a certain charm about her. She was beautiful, but it was more than that. She just seemed like someone with a story. Despite the dangerous look in her eyes, her presence was something that just made you want to comfort her.

Turning to look at her, Laz gave her a brief glance before he started walking away, Heading for the Golden Panda.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." She yelled as she frowned, somewhat angry at his lack of a response.

Laz didn't stop and kept walking, seeming oblivious to her anger.

"You'd better stop or your going to piss me off," she pushed off from the wall and started walking towards him.