Pain And Growth

The lights were just floating up into the air and dissipating, as thought becoming a part of the air itself. Laz had no idea what was happening, but he was strangely drawn to the golden colored nectar. He felt like his body had a yearning for it. It was kind of an instinctual draw that couldn't be explained. As he stood in the strange clearing, his entire body was almost shaking with anticipation.

But he was no idiot. Just because something looked good didn't mean that it was. This strange flower was obviously not something that had been recorded as existing on earth before. This was more like something out of a fantasy novel than something you would find in real life. He took a step back and spent a moment to calm his thoughts.

'What should I do?' He couldn't help but ask himself. Even if it seemed like he wanted it, he wasn't foolish enough to just go based on his instinct. Instead, he felt like he should figure a few things out first.