The Haunting Message

Laz said nothing. He just looked at the box on the table and at the two grinning old men as they dreamed of the past.

'I should have known,' Laz thought to himself.

He didn't say anything, but reached over and grabbed them. It came as a slight shock that the box was somewhat new. He had a brief moment of horror thinking that the old men were giving him a half used box from their past, but luckily this didn't come to be.

"Actually boy, Your grandpa and I have been waiting for you to finally find a girlfriend. We aren't young anymore, so our time is limited. As such, we've been waiting for you to finally come into your own. Afterall, we've left you big shoes to fill, so to speak," Bill said with a mischievous grin.

Laz didn't want to know what he meant. Instead, he got on the Harley and took off, waving as he left.

"It's getting closer, isn't it?" Bill asked, while looking at the disappearing back of the young man he thought of as his own grandson.