
The It was hard to talk while on the road, hence why nothing could be changed after they started moving. Despite Laz's now increased range, the girls weren't allowed in the caravan and their route was completely locked down. Due to all of this, Laz could only trust that everything was in place for his escape.

Even if it wasn't that wasn't going to stop him.

The place where they had chosen for Laz to free himself was a deserted stretch of highway. For anyone who has traveled the country before, they would be able to tell you about miles after miles of empty land. Not that there were no trees or wildlife, but that there were almost no humans living anywhere near by. That's why the highways were so important in the first place. Without them, travelling would take a much greater period of time.

Despite the ever growing population of the U.S., there were still thousands of miles of unused land no matter where you went. And that was the opportunity they needed.