Waking Up In Bed With A Woman Isn't Always A Good Thing

Laz felt warm. And soft... so very soft. Or maybe that's just what he felt and not how he was feeling. Either way, Laz was enjoying the soft and warm feeling pressing against him.

In no way was Laz even semi lucid at the moment. In fact, even if he opened his eyes at this moment, he would still see only darkness. This had to do with him over taxing his body again and again. Without the support of his inner energy, Laz was like a high performance machine running on low grade fuel. Unless he calmed down the things he made his body do or was able to free his inner energy, his body would break down at some point in the near future. The only positive side to any of this was that although long term battering on a body would cause it damage, short term could be considered beneficial. He was forcing his body to go through a type of training that would have been impossible otherwise.