Heaven And Hell

After leaving Madam Cal's place, Laz had a lot of thoughts on his mind pertaining to artifacts, especially the two that he had on him. The pouch, after discovering it's use, was something that he had always taken advantage of and never really put much thought into. It was extremely useful. Besides that, he also had an advantage in that it had never been seen before, so he could get away with doing lots of things with it. For example, if he wanted to steal something, he could make it disappear without leaving so much as a clue.

But it did have limitations. He couldn't put anything living into it. At least, not anything with a complicated internal system. A plant, yes. An animal, no. It wouldn't even go in.

On top of that, there seemed to be a limited amount of space inside of it. He could fit a motorcycle in it, but there was no way he could fit a large truck inside of it. The area inside was basically equal to about a small room. He only knew this from trial and error.