Finding The Council

Neither of them said anything as they got dressed. They both respected each other enough not to ask.

After finally getting dressed, they embraced one last time in a simple hug before looking around the room. Laz had a moment where he felt that maybe he should just burn the entire thing down but decided that since it wasn't his house, he wouldn't. Unknown to him, Malene was thinking about doing the same thing since there was broken furniture and body juices all over the place. She couldn't help but feel embarrassed thinking about it.

"What are you off to do now?" Laz asked, feeling like Malene intended to leave.

"I have to go speak with the other big faction in town. There are quite a few things to be done and never enough time to do it. Normally I would have just called or had someone under me call, but since I knew you were here, I..." Malene's voice trailed off, but Laz understood. The only reason she was down here was because of him.

"It seems you're doing quite well?"