Family Relations

"So anyway, mind if we get going?" Laz asked when he opened his eyes. He saw that Dwayne seemed to be absorbing the energy as well, but he didn't say anything. It wasn't like he was going to be mad for sharing. Besides, he had the lion's share anyway.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah. Let's do that..."

Without so much as a though, Laz ended up destroying the remains of the doctor and the other guy without so much as blinking, causing Dwayne to stare at him in wide eyed shock. It was only after Laz looked at him and called his name a few times that he woke up.

"You good?"

"You cold dog, like real cold."

"What are you talking about?" Laz was confused.

"You just... boom and they piles of... liquid. Not even. Those were humans man."

"They were dead. Whether they were human or not before, once you're dead, you're dead. The only thing leaving a body behind was going to do would be to cause us trouble. When there is no body, there is no crime, right?"