
Lax was crouched behind a metal wall while his group was spread out around him, ducking behind other walls, rubble and whatever else could be used for cover. Seeing this, Laz knew that they were just sitting ducks and he had no idea even what was shooting at him.

Taking a deep breath, Laz stuck his head up and looked.

The gate was located in what used to be some sort of gathering area. It looked like an open yard while the ground was paved with a weird, black stone. All over the edges of the area, Laz could make out solders having taken cover while shooting recklessly towards a shed like structure sitting off to the side, almost completely unnoticeable. While Laz looked on, a door on the shed opened, revealing a small, knee height, robot looking contraption. It resembled a box with two bent sticks pointing out of the top of it. Before Laz could even take in what was happening, the stick like, metal poles pointed towards an area that had several troops shooting at the shed.