A Binding Oath

The light from the girls kept building until it was almost blinding, but Laz tried his best to look on anyway. Their scant bit of clothing was blown off as the immense energy of Laz's blood raced through their systems. Not only that, but the hum that Laz swore he could hear was getting louder and louder, almost sounding like a faint, but powerful song that couldn't be ignored.

As the brightness of the light reached a climax, the girls bodies seemed to be floating above the bed, each of them with their heads back, arms hanging limp at their sides while their legs were curled downward but loose.

Laz had no idea what was happening.

Suddenly, the girls heads shot up while their eyes opened, a white light projecting outward as a faint figure appeared behind them. Laz couldn't even make it out before the light and the figures were gone and the girls dropped weakly onto the bed, panting as though they had just exhausted themselves.