
Dean was still doing pool side duty thanks to the lack of life guards currently. Not that he cared really. Although he got tips for working the bar at night, there was something to be said about being free at night after having put in your days worth of work.

Of course getting a tan was also a nice bonus.

As for the person manning the other tower, it just so happened to be Red today. Perhaps having a pretty female to look at would sound preferable to most guys, but Dean didn't mind working opposite of Red. Most of his best wardrobe advice came from his sexual harassing co-worker. And it just so happened that today, Dean was enjoying listening to Red commenting on what the guests decided to wear.

To be fair, Red never commented just on people's body types. But he was quick to point out when someone wore something that they were not suitable for. In Red's opinion, every body type could be sexy, but you had to dress it right. Using the walkie-talkies, they chatted back and forth.