The Rise Of Humanity

"Wow... Just wow... I thought these things only existed in games and shit... I didn't know they were real," Laz thought to himself after seeing this massive flying gun ship for the first time. Sure, he had played first person shooters where a perk might be to pilot a flying gun ship, but when he was faced with one as it's target, Laz couldn't help but feel a cold chill run across his body.

Laz had been targeted by military choppers and troops before, but this was definitely a new one in his book.

Laz had to fight the will to run since he knew it would be useless. Just as he was standing there and trying to come up with something, Ichpochtli came up behind him, having shed her massive form for a human sized one after getting her shots in on Tezcatlipoca. While she would have loved to have tortured him more, right now, the feeling of fear she had gotten from the thing in the air couldn't be ignored.