
The woman, who simply went by the name Mrs. Smith, had the girls follow her from the back of Laz's van to the back of an SUV. Laz had been in a rush to leave the sight of the slayings and therefore could only provide the girls with food and snacks along with warm blankets and a place to rest. He didn't have clothes in their sizes, something that he figured he would add to his shopping list later. Not size specific things, but just things they could wear that wasn't what they were wearing. Instead, they had each changed into a few of his shirts that were several sizes to big for them but at least they were clean.

"Men's shirts and sweat pants are your best bet. Gym shorts if it's hot out. Considering how they will feel if you do come across them, it would be more concerning if they did trust you right off," was the advice Mrs. Smith gave.