Battle Of The Manor (Part 4)

The sounds of explosions echoed out behind Laz as he made his way. He didn't know where Maia was, but he figured if he asked someone, it wouldn't be hard to find them.

Of course he wasn't going to ask for Maia, instead he would try to locate Ivana or Sylvia since Maia's secret was something few people knew.

He finally located a large gathering of troops spread out in a massive ring, looking like they would strike the first thing that came within sight of them. These particular troops were wearing golden accents on their green armor, a sign of an elite team Laz guessed. And what's more, there were attendants and priestesses dispersed between them, their eyes blazing.

Laz quickly came up to the circle but was blocked by several guards, their swords and spears aimed right at him. Even the attendants had arrows knocked and pointed while the priestesses leveled what looked like wooden staffs at his direction.