You're Going To What?

"HA! I knew you had it in you. What's with the mask though brother?" Leo said backstage while a woman worked to get the bit of makeup off his face.

"Our young friend here has need to hide his identity Leo. I believe I've told you before about his unique situation?" Max, Leo's caretaker for lack of a better word, said. While Leo was no longer part of the race for the head of the Hearn family, having walked away from it after their last meeting, Max had stuck with him through it all. The man managed everything about Leo's life and schedule, taking care of him the way a father would take care of his son. While that wasn't what either of them intended, neither of them were opposed to it.

"Oh? Right right... the most wanted thing?" Leo said before getting glared at from Max. The young woman removing his makeup didn't stop at all, clearly not interested in their conversation. Despite this, Max didn't want Laz's identity to get around as it could negatively impact Leo.