
The days of the week passed by quickly after that. Laz practiced more of his self taught combat style, trying his best to get around the problem with his back with varying success.

Laz also spoke more with the Epic Kat suit, finding out some key pieces of information. One thing he learned was that he was technically way to weak to actually use the suit, since it was designed for a mid level god. When asked what that entailed, Epic Kat didn't answer but said it was way out of his reach for now. Another thing Laz learned was that suits like the armor weren't rare in for the Asura. There were much stronger suits along with weaker ones, although most Asura didn't use them unless they didn't have a choice, mostly relying on the strength of their bodies to get the job done. Still, the communication function made it a necessity for each of them to have one as they allowed a much longer range to communicate as opposed to just using their spiritual sense.