Faded Dreams And The Hidden Darkness

They didn't know who the territory belonged to, but it was glaringly obvious that there was something sinister happening inside of it.

"So you don't know whose territory is whose?" Laz asked, just to confirm.

"No. It's for safety purposes. Even if you're inside your own, the stars overhead align in the same way to make them all seem like they are in the same spot. But obviously that's not right. Unless both owners were to see each other on the edges of their domains, they would never know who their neighbor is," Aphrodite explained.

While both the girls were white as ghosts, Laz moved closer and poked at the edge of the barrier. While not hurt, the amount of force poking back was equal to his own, as though he was pushing into rubber where it would deform slightly, but become stiffer as one dove in further.