Finding His Path

Laz opened his eyes as the book fell from his hands. Confused, Laz looked around as though only understanding where he was for the first time. Something about the place felt wrong, but not in a scary way. More like, after the vision Laz had seen, there was something else wrong, something missing.

"What is it?" Laz said to himself as he closed his eyes. He had wandered his way out of the Library and was currently standing in a nameless hallway. Spreading out his senses, Laz felt the area around him as he tried his best to sense what was and wasn't there. Then, as though he had gotten an answer, Laz began to move, letting the feelings and hits lead him along as it wished. 

Laz settled into an almost trance light state as he moved, through hallways, stairs and secret passages that lead him as it wished.

Once the sensation faded, Laz opened his eyes and observed what was around him.