Vol 4 : Ch 213 - Runs from the family

Vol 4: Ch 213 - Runs from the family

The family members are now sleeping safe and sound with the love of their life at their every other side except Aya, their mother because their father and her husband died when the siblings still in their high school years. Even the wall of the family died for almost decades, the family members are still united and strong as one family because of Aya.

Around 8 am, after eating their breakfast Rei, Tae, Lyn, and Mei go to the hospital for confirming if they're really pregnant and their chauffeur is En because he doesn't want these pregnant ladies to drive especially Rei who own the car because she's already 4 months pregnant.

Rei: You're so strict Bro En and I'm still 4 months pregnant, so it's still safe for me to drive, you know.

En: Of course I will be strict because it's yours and Tae's first baby so how are you so careless, huh?