Vol 4 : Ch 247 - Cindy H

Vol 4: Ch 247 - Cindy H

After knowing the name who calls her, Rei already knows who is it but yet she doesn't know why she calls this time because she knows that she and Na are very opposite to each other or rather her and she is totally the exact type who's an aloof and quiet type but an independent one except for being a spoiled brat slightly.

"Do I need to answer the call, Hon?" Tae asks his wife when he notices that she's not answering the phone yet.

"Yes just answer it Dear and also please put it on handsfree mode"


===== Phone Conversation =====


"Yes, and what's wrong Cindy?"

"I have a big problem and I don't know what I'm going to do now"

"And what is it that you don't know what to do?"

"Mmmm... I will tell you but first please don't tell my Dad about this, okay?"

"Well I'm not your Dad Head Secretary anymore, so you can relax that one"
