Vol 8 : Ch 587 – Fan Meetings before enlistment 2

Vol 8: Ch 587 – Fan Meetings before enlistment 2

As Rei said, indeed they really arrived at the CA Entertainment around 10:30 am and they come in backstage then Rei meeting the team managers since Tae directly going to the dressing room.

Rei: Sorry guys we are really late today.

Han: No worries Manager Rei and it looks the fans didn't ask about Tae's whereabouts.

Rei: I see and that's good then.

Wang: [The car manager reminded them] please tell me that you didn't go over speeding today.

Rei: Ha, ha, ha we didn't Manager Wang and both of us are law abiders, so no worries about that one.

Wang: I see

Li: By the way, where's Tae?

Rei: At the dressing room Manager Li. [And Manager Li just nodded].

Chi: Lucky for you Manager Rei, Mr. Hwang is out of town or else you will be scolded.

Rei: Ha, ha, indeed I'm lucky today and...….. [Rei got interrupted by her beloved husband]

Tae: Hon?