Vol 8 : Ch 640 – The first official meeting with the Li’s and the Smith 2

Vol 8: Ch 640 – The first official meeting with the Li's and the Smith 2

Right away after the Li family members walking out, the Smith is now in discussion but very opposite to what they show to the Li's a while ago.

Sophie: Mom, you did it again.

Mom: Yeah I know but I'm just testing them you know.

Dad: Indeed you are testing them but I guess you went overboard Heart.

Mom: Ha, ha, ha I guess so but well that's what your parents also did to me luckily they are only on a brink of bankruptcy compare to my family members at that time since we already declared and filed for bankruptcy, and to save our employees I sacrifice myself to be with you Geo, well in the first place it's only married for convenience but then, and later on, I learn to love you knowing that you are a bastard and jerk that time.

Dad: Ha, ha, right but not a cheater okay? Only a bastard and jerk but I guess Lian, we messed up, and sorry for that.