Vol 8: Ch 645 – Lewis and Liliana 1

Vol 8: Ch 645 – Lewis and Liliana 1

After stamping all the photocopy documents, Lewis returns the original one to Liliana and then again presses the intercom to instruct something to his Secretary.

"We are going for Site Location now"

"Yes Sir"

"Ms. Liliana, are you going with us?"


"For sure Mrs. Jun instruct you to be in charge of this project, am I right?"

"Yes" 'and now how did he know that one, is he an esper one?"

"Alright let's go"

"So you know where it is, Mr. Go"

"Yes since I already site visiting but then I don't have the exact area yet so I'm only looking at the site and then create tentative designs so now I'm going to site visiting again for finalizing my designs."

"Oh I see but then you don't need to explain it to me, Mr. Go"