Vol 9: Ch 682 – Rei and the kid’s lunch date 2

Vol 9: Ch 682 – Rei and the kid's lunch date 2

The staff led them right away to their assigned seats that were good for 6 then Rei order right away after making sure the kids and the two Jun really ordered the fried rice without dessert.

15 minutes after they made the order, it's got served and then they eat meanwhile the two kids are looking at the fried rice that they are hesitating if they are going to eat or not, the kids aka their cousins and sister ignored while Rei can't ignore it, after all, it's her sons they are talking about.

"Wu-wu and Won-won, you don't need to force yourself"

"….[Won-won quite hesitating but braving himself and replied his mother] no worries Mama and I will eat this one, after all, they [his cousins] are not a picky eater so I'm also not [then right away feed himself slowly]" 

"Same with me Mama because if Won-won can eat and them, then I can also do it [also feed himself slowly]"