Episode 2

"Maybe I'm going over broad but I'm fine!" Robin sets a box into her new home.

Faith sighs as she stands behind her. "I know you are...but but I'm just worried!" She crosses her arms.

Eron sets two boxes inside the home. "Honey, we are just worried that you are moving too fast." He stands next to Faith.

Robin crosses her arms.

Faith goes to her. She puts her hands on her shoulders. "Sweety, all I'm trying to say is that you just got this place a month ago. I wanted to make sure you were really ready to move here. I know I said some things to you but I wanted you to know that you don't have to really do this.."

Robin smiles. "I know ma. I just felt like it was time to leave the "nest". She laughs as she hugs her mom.

Oscar and Shayne both walk in carring boxes.

Shayne sets them down. "My god! I don't think I can do any more!" he rubs his back.

Oscar laughs. "What's wrong princess? Your makeup running?"

Shayne mocks his laugh. "Hahahaha!" He starts to play fight with him.

"Hey!" Faith yells at them as she claps. "No fighting in your sisters house!"

Both men stop and look at one another.

"Princess.." Oscar says under his breath.

"Mama's boy..." Shayne fires back.

Robin laughs. "Idiots.."

They stick their tongues at her.

*After putting the boxes in the house*

"So...I hope you settle in alright" Faith hugs Robin as they stand in the doorway.

Robin hugs back. "I will." She lets go. "I promise to call you every time I get a chance."

"You better!" Faith laughs and kisses her cheek before shutting the door.

Robin sighs as she puts her back to the door. She looks around at all the boxes. "Yay adulthood..." She walks over to some. "Okay this is..." She reads the side of it. "Kitchen!" She walks over to the kitchen and places the box there. "Alright! Now for a break!" She grabs a soda from the fridge and walks to the back room an sits on the air mattress. A baby crib sits by it.

Hasley sleeps peacefully with a empty bottle next to her.

Robin smiles at her. "My beautiful princess." She lays the soda by the bed as she lays down. "Ahh" She stares up at the ceiling. "New home...new start..." She smiles before closing her eyes.

*At Shayne's house*

"Honey! I'm home!" He yells before entering the home. In his hands are two pizzas. He looks around. "Hmm." He walks into the kitchen and lays the boxes on the island. "Hello?" He soon hears laughing coming from the dining room. He walks to it. "Hey honey-" He stops when he sees her.

"Hey handsome." Isabella stands up and kisses him. "Sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I wanted it to be a surprise."

Shayne doesn't respond but stare at the other person.

The person was a woman. She had short black hair with pink tips. Her clothing was what a rock star would wear. She stood as she smiled. "Hi dad..."

He swallowed hard. "Hello...Clara..." He was nervous.

Clara looked him up and down.

"I'm going to make some refreshments." Isabella walks out leaving them alone.

Clara walks over to him. "It's been a while..."

Shayne smiles. "Yeah. I haven't seen you since-"

"Since never?" She crosses her arms.

"You know that's not true-" He rubs his head.

"It's fine. I'm over it. If you want to be with her and be there for your "real family" than that's fine....but" She gets in his face. "I promise that I'll make sure everyone knows who you really are...your family may still love you but maybe your fans won't.." She smiles evily. "I'm going to make you pay for all the years of not being a dad to me when you were suppose to.."

"Alright! I have tea and orange juice!" Isabella lays a tray with both of them on it.

"I'm so sorry. My mom just called. She said that I need to go see her right away." Clara goes to Isabella. "Thank you for having me though.." She hugs her but gives Shayne a dirty look.

"Awe well you are welcome anytime!" Isabella smiles.

Clara smiles back before walking away. She walks out of the house.

Isabella goes to Shayne. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah! Everything is good!" He hurries and walks upstairs.

"Oh..." Isabella stands there alone.

*Faith and Eron's house*

Faith stands in the doorway of Robin's old room. She had a robe on. Her hair in curlers.

"Stop worrying.." Eron walks up behind her. He hugs her from behind. "I know it's hard to let go but everything will work out in the end..."

Faith sighs. "I know...I know...it's just.." She turns to him. "I feel like the house is so empty now...I mean Oscar has his work and Ava and never comes to see us...Shayne has his music and family and Robin..." She looks at Robin's room. "now...she has her own life.."

Eron hugs her. "It's going to be okay..I promise"

She hugs back. "I hope.."