As the clock closes in on midnight you can hear people chanting while they awaited the countdown, not many miles away from the world famous times square a mother after going through fifteen hours of labor as if by some stroke of luck she pushes hard enough for the baby to be born exactly at 12:00 am, while the whole of New York City screams Happy New Year, while looking at her beautiful son she decides to name him Aion Janus, or Aj for short. As Aj was taken away by a nurse to go through more tests to make sure he is a healthy baby while waking up slightly Aj realizes where he is and says
"System initializing..."
"System has been initialized. Analyzing User's interests..."
"Analysis complete..."
"Hello User Welcome to The Adaption System"
Name: Aion Janus
Age: 0
LVL: 0
Occupation: Baby
Strength: 0.1 (That of a Baby)
Endurance: 0.1(That of a Baby)
Speed: 0.0 (That of a Dyslexic Monkey)
Intelligence: 25 (That of a Melancholic Adult)
Wisdom: 25 ( That's Seen things)
Dexterity: 0.0 (That of Ass Eating Slowpoke)
Vitality: 10 (Baby Level)
[Complete Appraisal] - Allows The Complete Appraisal of Someone Down to Abilities Skills Traits Everything.
[Akashic Record] - A compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future.
[Cut, Copy & Paste] - Can Cut anything, Copy anything and Paste anything
[Space and Time Travel] - Can Limitedly Travel depends on when or where and how much energy it would take.
[Adaption] - Can adapt to anything.
{Absolute Infinite Stamina} - You don't know the meaning of tired having the zombie-like stamina at no cost.
"Now that we're here nows a good time to see if this works "[Complete Appraisal]" "
Name: Sally Mathew-Geevarughese
Age: 27
LVL: 3
Occupation: Nurse
Strength: 15.0 (Nurses Need to be buff too)
Endurance: 15.0(They Work Long Hours
Speed: 10.0 (They procrastinate as much as possible)
Intelligence: 25 (That of a Melancholic Adult)
Wisdom: 25 ( That's Definitely Has Seen things)
Dexterity: 15.0 (They Poke You with needles Enough Said)
Vitality: 100
[Compassion] - Having empathy for the pain and suffering of patients, as well as a strong desire to make the hospital experience as positive as possible.
[Ethics] - The commitment to humanitarian service and concern for the dignity of all patients.
{Communication} - the ability to effectively speak and listen is critically important.
{Critical Thinking} - When Faced with important choices on a daily basis and must be able to use critical thinking to aid in decision-making.
{Attention To Detail}
Since having far-reaching consequences. Even the smallest mistake may have tragic results, therefore, strict attention to detail Becomes Second Nature.
{Confidence} - they have the skills and knowledge to provide the best possible care. able to work independently with little supervision, knowing they will get the job done.
{Adaptability} - Flexibility and the ability to adapt are especially important for anyone are often required to work long hours, must also deal with fluctuating schedules, and the ability to cope becomes paramount in such situations.
{Stamina} - Nursing is a demanding profession that requires physical, mental and emotional strength. An effective nurse needs a high energy level and a healthy lifestyle in order to succeed.
"Hmmm let's see this nurse does have some useful skills and her stats are all right well I'll do this "System [Copy] the targets {Attention To Detail}, {Critical Thinking}, Wisdom stat, and Endurance stat, then [Paste] them to me if this works I should be able to get all of her experiences as a nurse and her whole life via wisdom.""
Name: Aion Janus
Age: 0
LVL: 0
Occupation: Baby
Strength: 0.1 (That of a Baby)
Endurance: 15.1(That of an Adult)
Speed: 0.0 (That of a Dyslexic Monkey)
Intelligence: 25 (That of a Melancholic Adult)
Wisdom: 50 ( I must have Been a Sage)
Dexterity: 0.0 (That of Ass Eating Slowpoke)
Vitality: 10 (Baby Level)
[Complete Appraisal]
[Akashic Record]
[Cut, Copy & Paste]
[Space and Time Travel]
{Absolute Infinite Stamina}
{Attention To Detail}
{Critical Thinking}
"Good, now that I have these results I know I can run this city and then eventually the world."