1.6 The CEO

After a long night, the charity ball finally ended at 12 AM. Sebastian had left the bar two hours ago, as there was some business he had to take care of, but not before he conversed with Sonja for about an hour. Sonja was just happy he left, as talking continuously really didn't sit well with her character. The most amusing part of the entire ball, however, was Rebekka. After approximately an hour after her going outside for "fresh air", she had come back looking a bit ruffled. Her makeup looked like it had been reapplied, her hairstyle was slightly different, and her dress was slightly wrinkled. The most eye-catching thing about her, however, was that Rebekka looked tired. This wasn't in line with her character in the story, as she was described as an energetic, happy-go-lucky girl. Even during the ball she was talking and smiling all the while, the very definition of a social butterfly. What had happened was anyone's guess.

Hiding her laughter, Sonja quickly looked away from her and focused on the other patrons at the bar. Since Sebastian had left, people were quick to head over and order something from this beautiful lady, including Rebekka's boss. This man had actually seen her when he wanted a drink but didn't go over due to Rebekka and business partners who were clamoring for his attention. Making his way to the bar, he flashed a smile at Sonja. "May I have a glass of whiskey?"

Sonja plastered a polite smile on her face. "Sure thing." She turned around and continued to busy herself with making drinks for the other patrons. When she finally pushed his drink towards him, he had surprisingly not left, even though she had purposefully made his drink last. As the grabbed his drink, he took a good look at her, the person who would have probably become his secretary if not for Rebekka. When Sonja caught him looking, he turned his focus to his drink, a peculiar light flashing in his eyes.

"System, I think I know who this is in the story. This is Carter Christensen, the second male lead." When Sonja shared her findings with the system, the system was quick to respond.

"Correct~! Carter Christensen is the second male lead of this world, and arguably the most helpful person to the female lead. Using his company, which specializes in technology, the female lead was able to dig up the personal lives and fabricate unsightly rumors of her business and love rivals and aired their made up dirty laundry for the world to see, completely destroying them. Host, you have to be careful about what you do. For even the tiniest grievance, the female lead won't hesitate to fabricate claims against you!" As the system fretted over what it just said, Sonja tuned it out to serve her other patrons.

Carter, who had been observing her all the while, noticed her polite smile, her mask. He suddenly had an urge to tear it off and see what was underneath, but he didn't know what he would find. He had seen too many masks over the years, including the one his new assistant uses towards him, but he had never seen one so thick to where he couldn't see past it. Lowering his head, he drank his drink, tipped her, then left feeling bothered. He sought out Rebekka, hoping to use her to get rid of this feeling.

As the second male lead walked away, Constanza came by to notify Sonja that the ball was ending soon, so she should clean up. Following her orders, she did just that, shooing away her patrons, then cleaning up.

As Sonja reminisced about the interesting things that had happened during the ball as she walked home, she also fiddled with the check in her hands. This was her paycheck for her work, and since the original soul hadn't yet set up a bank account in America yet, this was the best alternative than cash, as she could keep the check then deposit it when she could. Speaking of cash, the tips she made tonight weren't bad. This amount alone could keep her family afloat for several months, even in LA, so she was going to use this point to quell any negative thoughts her father might have had about tonight.

As she got home, she went straight to her room to sleep, as her parents were already in their bed. Looking at the meager apartment as she walked through, she could understand why the original soul wanted a better life for her parents. This was simply not enough room, and the "two bedrooms" barely counted as closets. Sonja swore to her parents and the original soul that their lives will be filled with comfort if it was the last thing she did.

What she didn't know, however, was that the comfortable life she swore to obtain would be in the form of none other than Sebastian Iliescu, who was in a horrid mood since he could find no information on Sonja, not her name nor her address, not anything. Using a picture derived from a security camera inside the hall, he ordered his men to search. His men were extremely confused about this overbearing order but rushed to fulfill it, lighting a candle in their hearts for the young lady who managed to catch this monster's interest. The most confused of the bunch as Sebastian's step-sister, who was grinding her teeth in jealousy when she heard that order. Big Brother is mine, no one can take him from me! This solemn swear would come back to bite her, but that's for another time.

As Sonja laid down on her bed, tired as all hell, she had no idea that tomorrow would be the actual start of her new life.