1.10 The CEO

When the car finally stopped at Sonja's apartment, Sonja leaped out of the car and would have bolted to her apartment if she didn't have the courtesy to say thank you. Turning around, she took a good look at the man who might soon be her boss before saying, "Thank you for the ride, Mr. Iliescu, goodnight."

After taking off like a rocket, the car stayed there for a solid twenty seconds, then drove off. It is unknown what happened in those twenty seconds, but one thing's for sure, life just got a hella more complicated.

Leaping into bed, Sonja grabbed her laptop and took a good look at her resume again. There was no way that that man had no idea what her name was. Her picture was right there next to her name, so he must have known, the asshole. So he did know what she looked like, great, but she had sent it in this afternoon, so how in the name of God did he know that she applied to work at his company?! Shouldn't the applications for lower positions be handled by other workers and not the Big Boss, and officially looked at a lot later than a few hours? What this poor girl didn't know as she was complaining inside her head was that Sebastian had given his men the task to look for her and since she had a picture of herself on her resume for whatever reason, it sped up the process of finding her immensely. Hell, she had even put her full address, phone number, and complete birthdate on it, which for Sebastian was like winning the lottery. That resume would get her into more trouble than she would anticipate.

It was at this time that the system decided to drop by from whichever corner it moped in. "Host! You got really lucky! Meeting the male lead at this time would make separating the female lead and the male lead easier because-", the system caught itself before it continued saying that Sonja had become interested in its host. However, it soon continued since it would be suspicious for it to just drop the sentence like that. "-because then it can make obstructing the female lead from getting close to the male lead easier!"

As the system was feeling very proud of itself for saying what it thought was an original idea, Sonja mercilessly cut it down, still pissed from tonight. "I already know that you half-wit. That's the only reason why I had even applied in the first place." After this verbal abuse by its host, the system went back to moping in its corner, silently complaining about how it's host was mean it, wuwu.

Shaking her head, Sonja put away her laptop and got ready for bed, not forgetting to take her medication. Wait for the email my ass, I'm going to sleep.

Far away on the other side of the city, a man was also in bed, but unlike our protagonist, he wasn't asleep nor getting ready to sleep. He was looking at his own laptop which displayed Sonja's resume with a mysterious smile on his face, made more devilish due to the dim lighting. Suddenly, the man made a move to his phone, calling up the person who oversaw that hiring of office workers. "Accept Sonja Moreno's application."

Those brief words caused the man on the other side to freeze. He was already planning to accept her because she sounded like a hard and talented worker, but how did his boss even know that she existed? Never mind, it's best to just follow without saying anything. "Of course, sir. I'll tell the Accounting Department's Head to open up for another employee. The Accounting Department was an introduction department but wasn't at the bottom of the food chain. Since the boss had personally ordered for her hiring, this wouldn't be too bad of a position for an entry-level worker.

Sebastian frowned, then interjected before the man could say another word. "Have her be sent to my office when she arrives. She'll be my assistant. She seems capable enough."

The words "be my assistant" nearly made the man spit out the tea he had been drinking onto his wife, who was laying on the bed with him. Personal assistant, my God sir! That's a high position! See, in this company, the assistant of the CEO doesn't just run around making coffee and appointments, the person holds complete control over a deal that is given to them to complete on the CEO's behalf and is a representation of the CEO themselves when the CEO is not around. This means that there is even more deferential treatment given to the personal assistant of an Iliescu than any other assistant. Even other CEOs could have to be extremely respectful! This precedent had been set for many years in the company and is the exact reason why Sebastian never had one in the past, as he didn't trust someone to make decisions on his behalf. Now, that very same man was taking this random woman whose skills hadn't been displayed yet as his personal assistant! Has the world gone mad?!

This poor employee had no idea that the reason why this was happening was because his boss had become interested in a lady.

Spluttering, the man managed to spit out a "yes sir" with a disbelieving tone before the call ended but not without Sebastian saying, "Send the acceptance email first thing tomorrow morning." Tomorrow morning?! It's almost midnight! Big Boss, are you sure you took the right medication today?! The man then shook his head and, still in disbelief, laid down in bed to get in as much sleep as possible before the big day tomorrow.

Sebastian, however, didn't go to bed immediately, but instead took another long look at Sonja's picture, feeing a gentle longing in his heart. Rather than foreign, this feeling felt like a lover seeing his woman for the first time in a long, long time.

Brushing off the familiar feeling, he relished in how comfortable looking at her made him. With a small, gentle smile on his face, Sebastian finally fell asleep in a deep sleep he hadn't had for a long time.

Tomorrow would be a big day for these two souls, as their worlds would continue to collide in ways they wouldn't think possible.