After the incident.

Chris was angry and then he just yelled at her.

What is your problem; Chris said with a thunderous voice.

The office went as quite as a grave, eyes everywhere, trying to see what happened.

Am so sorry sir, i didn't see u there; said a guilty looking Sophie.

He just left with anger all over his face, she froze there like her legs were glued to the floor.

Chris went into his office, luckily he keeps a spare suit in the office, so he wore it nd went to attend the meeting.


After the meeting.

Chris went to his office, sat on his swivel chair, thinking about his fathers offer, he was in such a deep thought.


Sapphire came into the office, even with the creaking sound his mind was still in his thought. He didn't notice her come in because his back was turned to the door..

She called "sir" almost 3x but he didn't hear, so she went close to him and tap his shoulder.

Sir; Sophie calmly tap his shoulder

Within a split second, he grab her hand, pulled her and took a gun from his desk.

Ahhhhhhhh; screamed a powerless Sophie

Oh its you; said Chris while he was releasing her hand.

He pulled his drawer nd put the gun in it.

"What's he doing with a gun"; Sophie thought to herself while panting out of fear.

Hey, aren't u the lady that spilled juice on my cloth today. What do you want?, come to spill juice on me again? ; Chris said with a sarcastic face.

Sorry sir, its my first day here, i was looking for Mr. Chris's office; Sophie said with her head facing the floor.

Don't tell me you re my new secretary, miss Jonathan? ; Chris asked with a disappointed face

Yes, am miss Sapphire but am called Sophie, i was assigned as Mr. Chris's secretary; Sophie answered with a pale face

Ohhh am gonna have alot of orange juice from now on i guess; Chris said with a smile on his face.

Chris then introduces himself, he showed Sophie her work space, gave her instruction nd things she will do. By the time he was done, it was 7:00pm. And Sophie decided to stay and do some overtime work, before she realise its 9:00pm

Chris left early around 7:00pm nd went to see his friends, to watch a soccer match.

Sophie finished her work, so she left the office but couldn't find a cab, so she decided to walk, as she was walking she got tired nd decided to take shortcut. The Alley was bad, it was known for the gang members living in the area but Sophie was new so she didn't know.

As she was walking, she felt she was being followed, so she started walking faster, she was busy looking behind her she didn't notice a man hiding behind a garbage container, he jumped nd grabbed her hand. She tried to fight back but his grip was too tight.

Help, help, help; screamed a helpless Sophie

No one can hear u darling, its just u nd me; said the man in a calm voice

What do you want, let me go; she shouted

We just want to have fun beautiful, nothing else; the man said while caressing her hair.

Luckily Chris remembered he left his phone at the office, so he decided to go back, on his way, he saw two men pulling a lady, out of curiosity he stopped and got out of his car, he opened his dashboard nd took a pistol out and hid it behind his back. He followed the men into an under construction building. Then he heard a lady screaming.

Pls, no let me go; she cried

I have heard this voice before; Chris thought

He just entered the building, and he saw the men. He hid behind some boxes.

Help, help, help; Sophie cried

One of then slapped her.


Her mouth started to bleed.

He grabbed the arm of her dress and tore it.

No, pls let me go, pls; Sophie said with tears in her eyes.

Oh cmon darling, why should we let u go?; one of the men asked sarcastically will touching her face while they both laugh.

Let her go now; Chris said calmly, like a superhero from a comic.

Sophie and the 2 thugs eyes all widened, the two thugs turn to see who it was.

Or what cute face; said one of the thugs

Or u die; said Chris looking angry

Hahahaha;laughed the other thug as he turned and slap Sophie again.

Wait for me here darling; he said with a smirk on his face

U will regret that; Chris shouted

They start to approach Chris, he then removed his gun nd ......
