The next day, chris was feeling like he had fever, his body was hot, he couldn't even get out of bed. Time past by and before he knew it was 9am, he turned on his phone only to see he has 20 missed calls from Beatrix and 10 from James. He didn't bother about James because he knows Beatrix asked James to call him.

"Oh no, am sure Beatrix must have been worried about me since yesterday. I didn't even bother to call her, what kind of a brother am i?"; chris thought in his mind as he dialed Beatrix's number, the phone rang just once and it was answered.

Where have you been?, i have been worried sick about you but you didn't even care to inform me if you are fine, I couldn't sleep last night, i was busy thinking about you; Beatrix scolded him with a sobbing voice.

Hey, hey, hey, calm down and lemme explain first; Chris answered with a calm voice.

Explain what, that you were angry at dad and you forgot about me?; Beatrix asked angrily.

No sis, it not like that. I was just so confused and i needed a time alone to think; Chris replied sincerely.

Forget that. How are you?, I hope you have eaten?; she asked sounding worried.

Yes, am fine, am feeling great; he didn't tell her about the fever so as not to get her worried.

Ok, so when are you coming?; Beatrix asked anxiously.

Not now. But soon, i will tell you when am coming; he answered

Ok then take care of yourself please, for me. I love you, Bye; Beatrix said sounding disappointed as she hung up the call.

Chris lay on the bed again with a "sigh" of relief and then.




His phone rang, he checked it lazily and saw it was sophie. He answered and just put it on speaker.

Good morning sir; Sophie greeted politely.

Morning miss Sophie; He replied with a cold voice.

There are some paperworks you need to complete for the company to distribute this months products sir; Sophie said

Ok, you have bring them over to my apartment. I cant go to the office today; Chris replied as he coughed.

You..You.. You want me to bring the documents to your house?; Sophie asked sounding surprised.

Yes, is there a problem?; Chris answered sounding confused.

No, not at all. Just confirming what you said; She answered feeling excited.

Ok, my apartment is at Sunville Gardens, Block B, room 1112 and please when you are coming, stop at a pharmacy and get me a medicine for fever; he instructed her as he hung up.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Back at the office, sophie was packing up the documents she was taking to Chris's house, suddenly she heard a famiiar voice talked to her.

Going somewhere?; Clara asked

Yes, why do you ask?; Sophie asked already annoyed upon hearing clara's voice.

Because the day isn't over yet; Clara answered

I have some errands Mr. Chris asked me to run. If you would excuse me, i will like to be on my way. Thank you; Sophie replied as she slowly pushed Clara out of the way.

Sophie just walked pass her without even turning back, she left office and went straight to the pharmacy to get the medicine. She took a cab and went to Chris's house, as she arrived at the gate, the security guard asked "Are you miss Sophie John?, Can i see your work ID card". Sohie was stoked but answered and gave him her ID card, after a minute, he opened the gate and said "Please come in, Mr. Chris have informed us about your arrival earlier". She thanked him and went straight to Chris's apartment. As she opened the door, she was shocked by what she saw..........