The next day chris was having breakfast when his phone rang, he leaned over to check the name but it was an unsaved contact, he slowly stopped chewing the food in his mouth and took the phone up. He hesisted for a second but as he swiped the answer button, the person on the other side didn't even wait for him to say "hello".

Good morning young master Chris, its your dads secretary calling. Mr Mark collapsed this morning and he has been rushed to the hopital, Horizon private hospital; Mr Wong spoke speedily without wasting any second.

OK, Ok, Ok, i will be there soon; Chris replied as he stood up and hurriedly grapped his car keys and left the apartment in a rush.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

At the hospital chris met Mr Wong sitting on a chair almost close to the entrance and as he looked up he saw Beatrix at the end of the hall,it was like she was crying, he rushed towards her and touched her shoulder, she was startled at first but as she looked up and saw chris, she burst into tears and embraced him tightly like she was never going to let go.

Is father going to leave us?; Beatrix asked as she sobbed continiously.

Chris slightly pushed her to create a gap between them, he wiped her tears with his hands then cupped her face and said "Father is not going to leave us, he will be fine", he had the urge to tell her what was wrong with their father but he felt like his heart was being pierced by millions of needles. He just couldn't tell her, thats when he realised why their father refused to tell him about his sickness. He just pulled Beatrix and embraced her again, his eyes felt heavy, he wanted to cry but he suppressed his tears, his heart was in agony.

Chris and Beatrix sat in the reception hall waiting for their father to wake, Mr Wong explained to chris that their father had to be operated immidiately, so the doctors began even chris arrived. They all waited and waited for Mr. Mark to wake, it was almost 5pm when a man in a white lab coat approached them and said "The patient has woken up, you can see him now" showing them the way to the room.

Beatrix and Mr. Wong were the first to enter the room but chris followed behind hesitantly and lazily like he doesn't want to see Mr. Mark, he eventually entered the room. Upon seeing his father lying on the bed with devices and drips attached to his body, he felt like someone clutched his heart tighly, he felt like he was sopphocating, he walked up to the bed and sat next to Mr. Mark. He glared into his father's pitiful and weak eyes, he leaned slowly close to Mr. Mark's ears and said "You will see your son's wedding, I promise you father" and he just stood up and walked out of the room without looking back even once.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At chris apartment, in a dark corner of the dinning room he sat quietly drinking alcohol, he already drank 4 bottles and he kept on drinking, as he raised the bottle to take another gulp, his phone rang and it showed Sophie"s name. He immidiately picked up and with a cold and low voice he asked "Whats the problem?".

Mmmm Sir, you didn't come to work today and we need you to sign the product exportation documents, so the shipment can be made tomorrow; Sophie answered with a suspicious voice because she felt something was wrong.

Ahh, Can you bring it over to my apartment, the one at sunville?; He replied and hung up immidiately.

After a while, his doorbell rang but he was too lazy to stand up or even answer. The doorbell rang continiously but it eventually stopped, the person outside just opened the door and came in, as Sophie walked into the living room she matched some broken glasses and flower vases that were thrown all over the floor, she got confused and her senses hightened as she became alert of the surrounding. As she turned towards chris's room, she heard the sound of a bottle falling and breaking from the dinning section. She was frightened, her whole body trembled as she walked slowly into the dining section calling out Chris's name softly. And there, he was sitting on the floor with alcohol bottle in his hand and he was quiet as if his spirit had left his body, she walked up to him slowly calling his name, he then snapped back to his senses and turned to look at her, his eyes were sleepy, his body shiver because he didn't have any shirt on, he hair looked messy but still he looked charming which made sophie enter a trance.

Oh you have arrived?, i didn't see you enter; Chris asked as he tried to stand up but almost fell down and Sophie snapped back to reality and rushed to help him.

Yes, i just came in; She replied as she put his hand around her shoulder to help him walk.

As they were walking slowly, she didn't notice some wet plants on the floor, she on it which made lose her balance and almost fall down, but surprisingly Chris was able to compose his body and hold her right palm with his right arm and used his left arm to support her head, while her left arm was wrapped around his neck. They starred into each others eyes like lovers do in movies, Chris slowly leaned his head toward face and Sophie just closed her eyes waiting for whatever will happen to happen. He leaned closer and closer until it was only about 10mm between the lips, she did not try to stop him because her mind already went blank and then he..............