Sophie sat in the living room looking angry when Mrs. John came to visit her, it's been almost a week since her marriage to chris. Mrs. John took a stride toward sophie who was in daze and didn't notice her until she felt a slight touch on her shoulder. She almost jumped off the sofa.

Oh mother, its you; Sophie still panting as she spoke.

Yes my dear. Why do you look sad and disturbed; Mrs. John asked.

Its nothing serious mother, how are you?; Sophie asked as tried to cover her emotions.

You know dear, whenever you say nothing is wrong. Something is definitely wrong, so tell me?; Mrs. John asked with a smile as she reached out and hold sophie's hand and they both sat down.

Ok fine. I will tell you; Sophie said and then lay on her mother's lap.


Chris came out of his room in the morning, dressed and ready to go for work but an amazing aroma caught his nose, it came from the dining room. He slowly followed the aroma and upon reaching the source of it, he found different foods arranged on the table, like eggs, bacon, bread, potato chips, vegetable sandwiches, pie, cake and others like that. He looked at the food on the table with a sharp gaze and suddenly a familiar voice spoke from behind him "You are awake. I made breakfast" as she walked towards the dinning table and sat down. He stared at her like he has never seen her before and said "I have to go, something need my attention immediately" as he turned away and walked out of the house. Sophie sat there and began thinking to herself, after all the effort she had put in to make him breakfast, he just walk out on her, how dare he treat her like nothing. Her mood instantly darkened, she felt like her heart was on fire, she felt like choking him to death.


Why do you even bother trying to make him happy ?; Mrs. John asked.

Well i don't want him suspecting something is off about me; Sophie answered with a cold voice as her gaze sharpen.

Yes, you are right i guess; Mrs John nodded slowly as she spoke.

I think we should start the plan; Sophie said as she sat up to face her mother.

I already started, i will tell you about it tomorrow but for now; Mrs John stood up and reached the door then she continued "Just don't get too attached to him with your emotions" and walked out the door.

* * * * * * * * * * *

At 6pm.

Chris came back and saw sophie laying on the sofa in the living room, she shut her eyes like she was sleeping, she looked at peace, Chris faintly smiled and walked towards her. He sat next to her and stared at her face, then slowly touched her face and smile. AS she felt the warmth of his hands on her face, she slowly opened her eyes, her eyes met his eyes, his eyes look alluring, radiating charm and enchantment with a faint smile on his face which put sophie in a trance. He kept staring at her but this time it was different, he looked at her with purpose, he looked her like she was an angel, he looked her without even blinking his eyes.

Get ready, we are going somewhere; Chris's voice sounded calm and caring as he spoke then stood up from the sofa and walked to his room. His words left sophie speechless, her gaze followed him till he was out of sight before she came back to reality. She shook her head then stood up and went to her room. She freshen up and got dressed, she wore a simple purple gown , her pulled back silky black hair revealed her neckline which she wore a simple well polished golden necklace, while her blue eyes looked so seductive, her beauty could make any man worship her.

As she came out of her room, she saw chris standing by the roof to floor mirror looking at the peaceful night, he wore a white long sleeve polo shirt with the sleeve folded to the elbow and a simple black tuxedo pants.

Ok am ready; Sophie said with a soothing sweet voice from behind him. He slowly turned to look at her, his polished eye brows raised lightly, his eyes brighten up as he saw he beauty, he stared indefinite, Sophie began to blush, when he noticed her face, he looked away.

You look amazing; Chris said subconsciously with calm and caring voice.

Thank you; Sophie's smiled and her face blushed even more as she replied.

* * * * * * * * *

It took them almost 30min to reach their destination but finally they arrived. It was a huge place with lots of buildings in it. It has lots of flower at the entrance, looked really welcoming, not many people at the place, Sophie stood by the car looking at place waiting for chris. He then walked up to her and said "Come on lets go" as he held her hands and they walked in.