Chris sat on the swivel chair with his back turned against the door in his office seemingly in deep thought, then someone knocked his office door, he got out of his daze and slowly turned as he lazily said "Come in". Mr Wong walked in with some papers in his hands, he gently dropped them on the table and began to explain to chris "This is the contract that we were offered by Meng Sha clothing company. If you remember, i explained it to you through the phone last week, they want to get custom made women designer gowns for both the high class and middle class consumer. They want the clothes to be made for them and sold to only their distributors, it is well explained in the contract"

What will happen if the contract agreement is breached; Chris asked with a cold and serious voice.

We will be fined about $700,000,000, but if we complete the contract. According to our experts in the finance department, we will gain a profit of about $900,000,000; Mr Wong explained looking as excited as a small kid.

$700,000,000, are they out of their mind; Chris frowned as he spoke and his voice sounded angry.

Yes i know sir but look on the bright side, the contract is only 2 years. And if we complete it, we can finally overtake our rival Evolution Trends clothing as the number 1 top clothing company, this is a golden oppurtunity and i think we should take it; Mr Wong explained in hope to convince chris.

Chris sat quietly and continiously rubbed his chin slowly while staring at the papers on his desk like he was thinking about something. After about 5min, he stood up from his swivel chair and walked up to Mr. Wong, he stood in front of him staring at him straight in the eyes.

I hope i dont regret this; Chris said with a cold and threatening voice.

I promise you won't regret this; Mr Wong replied while nodding his head.

Chris then brought out his pen and signed the documents, they were finalizing the procedure when someone knocked the office door again, and just walked in without waiting for chris to answer.

Ah, good afternoon young madam; Mr. Wong greeted sophie as he slowly bowed his head.

Please Mr Wong call me Sophie; Sophie answered sweetly as she held Mr. Wong raise up from his bowing stance.

What is the problem?; Chris asked Sophie as he waved his hands at Mr Wong telling him to leave.

Mr Mark just called and said he wants to see you; Sophie replied with her head looking down at the floor.

OK then, get your things, we are going together; Chris ordered with a calm voice as he reached his hand to pick his jacket which was hung up on the swivel chair.

What? ; Sophie asked looking confused.

You are my assistant, so wherever i go, you go; Chris replied.

Yes sir but... ; Sophie tried to give an excuse but she was interrupted by Chris.

Just go get your things and lets go; Chris's voice sounded a bit angry this time which made Sophie's heart skip a bit. She slowly turned around and walked out of the office.