As Chris's grip tightened, james struggled to release his neck but to no avail. Chris vigorously let James's neck go, James knelt on the ground and grasp for air violently, he raised his head to look at chris but his face was met by a powerful force which made his face pain and redden. Chris punched him so hard that his nose began to bleed, chris then brought out a hankerchief and tossed it at James's face then turned his back against him.

I know i made a mistake, am sorry chris; James spoke while cleaning the blood on his nose and walked towards Chris.

You made a big mistake; James said with a cold voice that made James's heart skip a bit.

I know, I know but this is different. I know i have done alot of things in my life but i will never hurt Beatrix, i can never think of even hurting her; James's voice sounded pitiful, his voice was sulky as he walked and stood in front of Chris.

I don't care James, whatever this is, it has to stop; Chris took a sharp gaze at James as he spoke.

Please chris, dont think of me like that. I know i have been in relationships and i have broken them but i will never hurt Beatrix, i will never make her cry. Since we were in high school, Whenever we were together i always feel different, she gives me butterflies in my stomach, she makes my heart beat faster, my brain go numb. But i never try to say anything, beacause i was scared, not of rejection but scared of you, i know since aunty passed, you were protective over Beatrix. But now i am no longer scared chris, i can say it loudly I LOVE BEATRIX; James explained as his eyes looked pitiful and he emphasized the last three words which made chris's face turned dark, his blood boiled and without warning.

"PAA" he slapped james hard.

You think i don't know how many ladies you played, how many hearts you broke. You want to make my sister another victim of yours, i can't let you do that. If i ever see you get that close to my sister again, i will forget you are my cousin. I promise you this; Chris voice sounded cold, threatening and scaring.

James put his hand on his face and looked straight into chris's eyes then said "You can hit me, you can beat me but it can never change how i feel towards beatrix. Just give me a chance chris, trust me, you can do anything to me, but please just give me this one chance and i promise you chris i will never hurt Beatrix, please please Chris" he voice sounded like he was broken and in pain and his eyes was filled with tears but he closed his eyes to supress them.

NO!, this discussion is over; Chris's thunderous voice made James frightened. Chris turned and left James who stood their silently and still before falling to his knees.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At the Marks mansion, Chris and Beatrix sat next to each other while watching the television and eating some pop corn.

So what were you and James talking about earlier, it took almost 20min; Beatrix asked but her eyes was still glued to the TV.

Its just business; Chris replied without looking at her too.

"Oh" was the only word Beatrix uttered.

Things were going well until someone entered the room, his tall figure walked into the room without any resentment. As Chris saw the man, his face darkened, he clinched his teeth and balled his fist.

Hey james, you are late as usual and the show already started. Come sit over here; Beatrix said taping the space on the sofa beside her.

As James walked toward the seat, Chris gave him a look that clearly states "If you come closer, i will kill you" , so james stopped and said "I will just sit here".

Ok sooth yourself; Beatrix replied while she laughed not noticing James's face.

But as she turned, she was shocked by what she saw on James's face, his cheek swollen, his nose had tape on it, his face looked pale like he just took a beating from someone.

Oh my God!; Beatrix shouted as she stood up and walked towards James.