At about 6am in the morning Chris left his apartment, Sophie was still sleeping when he left so he decided to leave her a note. He rushed to his car and stepped on the accelerator furiously.

As he drove, his face was cold, emotionless and murderous. The more he thought about something, the harder he stepped on the accelerator, he was speeding at almost a 100mph. Only the sound of his audi R8 can be heard on the empty road, it was early so there were not much cars on the road.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

After 20min of dangerous and furious driving, he reached the Marks Mansion. He got out of the car and shut the door recklessly then took large strides into the house. He walked into the living area but no one was there, he climbed upstairs to check beatrix but she wasn't there either, he checked James's room but same result. He furrowed his brows in confusion, his mind was in delimma but then he heard a sound downstairs, he walked slowly following the sound of sizzling oil.

"Its coming from the kitchen, maybe its the maids, am sure they know where beatrix is" he thought in his mind.

As he reached the kitchen, he was stupified by what he saw. It was James and Beatrix both cooking, they were both immersed in the cooking with wide smiles plastered on their faces that they didn't notice Chris staring at them. Beatrix who finished frying some potato chips, put them in bowl and as she turned towards the door, she screamed "Ahhhhhhh" almost dropping the ceramic bowl from her hands.

What!?; James reflexively turned towards Beatrix but as his eyes met Chris, his heart began to beat uncontrollably. His mind began to wonder "He really doesn't trust me, does he?".

Are you ok?; Chris rushed up to Beatrix and took the Bowl from her hand and placed it on a table next to him.

No i am not ok, you almost gave me heart attack; Beatrix replied as she lightly punched his arm and laughed.

Ouch! i didn't mean to scare; Chris embraced her and caressed her hair.

She then pushed him to create a gap between then she said "Its good that you are here, we can all have breakfast together" then she took the bowl of chips and left the kitchen. James and Chris both looked at each both James averted his gaze immidiately, Chris took a deep breath then walked up to James and said "I think i might have been too harsh" as he put his hand on James's shoulder. James looked up then smiled a bit and said "No you were just protecting someone you love, i would do the same if i was in your place" .

But........; Chris stopped and his face darkened and his eyes turned cold, the sudden change in expression made james's heart skip a beat. Chris then continued "Don't think for a second i would forgive you if anything happens to Beatrix, one drop of tears from her eyes because of you, i will make sure you repay that tear with your blood" with a cold voice that chills down your bone with a sharp gaze that can kill at sight. These words made James gulp and began to sweat. As they were both in the deep and threatening conversation, Beatrix spoke from behind them "What are you guys doing?" with a confused voice.

Um, we were talking about work; Chris quickly answered putting on his smiling face.

"Yes" James backed up.

"Men and Work, dont you ever get tired" Beatrix sarcastically asked.

Girls and make up, don't you ever get tired; Chris retaliated and laughed.

"Whatever. Come on lets eat" Beatrix said with a smile. They both followed her back to the dining room.

After the Breakfast, Chris rested on the sofa in the living room. As he closed his eyes to relax, something flashed his mind and he opened his eyes wide.

'Holy shit!' he cursed and stood up hurriedly, as he reached the door he shouted "Beatrix am leaving". Without waiting for a reply he went to his car, boarded it and furiously stepped on the accelerator.