Chris cut his finger on his left arm with the knife due to her loud screech, "Ooowww" he drop the knife as blood began to flow from his index finger. Sophie ran over and grabbed some wet tissue "Am sorry, am so sorry" she gently wrapped his bleeding finger in the wet tissue, Chris stared a her with a warm and tender gaze while she was battling to stop his hands from bleeding.

Sophie felt the stare and she looked up "What?" using her left hand to touch her face thinking there was something on it while the right hand was holding Chris's injured finger.

"Sophie, Lets be friends" smiling warmly he stretched his right hands to her.

She raised her brows and her eyes widened "You are silly Mr. Chris, your hand is bleeding and you are talking nonsense"

"Am not talking nonsense, am serious" he put his hand on her chin and raised head to face him.

"Let me wash your hand first" she grabbed his arm to pull him to the kitchen basin but he retracted it forcefully.

"NO!, answer first" he crossed his arm against his chest.

"Fine!" she shouted "Lets be friends" she mumbled

"Mmm, i didn't hear anything" Chris leaned closer and grinned

"I said" she stopped the continued in a mumbling tone "Lets be friends"

"All i can hear is the echo of a person with a huge ego" he grinned widely and brought his close to her mouth.

She smirked evilly then "I SAID LETS BE FRIENDS!" she shouted straight into ears making his eardrums ring like crazy.

"Ahhhh!" Chris cried loudly while Sophie laughed as she held on to the kitchen table so as not to fall.

"Ok, thats it, you are gonna pay for this" he tried to grab Sophie's wrist but she was quick to retract it and began to run, he followed her trying to catch her. They both ran around the house laughing kids, finally when Sophie went upstairs trying to enter the room, the door refused to cooperate quickly, before she could open it, Chris has grabbed her hand and turned her around then pushed her against the door making her face him, he then trap her in between his arms.

"Ok now your punishment just doubled" he grinned widely while still catching his breath

"I never did anything wrong" her lips twitched

"Oh, so shouting in my ears and making me run like crazy is not a crime" he raised his brows while still grinning

"Its not my fault, you were being a pervert" Sophie frowned like a little child which made Chris laughed, he raised his left arm to touch her face, Sophie saw an opportunity to escape, she pushed his arm away and accidentally hit the cut finger then she entered to room at lightening speed while laughing.

"Ahh....Ahh. Its hurts" Chris cried while holding the finger. Sophie heard him scream and she remembered he cut his finger. She quickly opened the door, too bad he was only pretending, the moment she came out, he grabbed her waist and pull her towards him putting her into his warm embrace and wrapped both his hands around her hip making it impossible for her to escape, while her hands were on his chest and they stared into each others eyes.

He grinned evilly and his gaze turned sharp "I never thought you will fall this trick"

Sophie's face turned red and her lips twitched "You shameless, i can't believe i fell for this...Ahhhh, am going to kill you Chris, you scared me. Is this how friend treat fri.....". She was muted by the soft and gentle lips that were suddenly pressed against hers, she slowly felt calm and returned the kiss, it then turned passionate. Feeling that, she put her hands around Chris's neck, his grip on her waist tightened then he raised her up and she wrapped her legs around his hips and they kissed like they will swallow each other any moment.

"Um....mm" Albert pretended to clear his voice which disrupted them.