Beatrix sat on the couch with James both eating pop corn and watching TV, James thought about something then he turned his body to face Beatrix.

He stared at her for a while then he asked "Whats with the calling me "Baby" earlier?"

"Huh?, oh dont take it to heart. Its nothing" she smiled with her gaze still fixed on the TV


"Oh, i just said it to get away from her. Didn't you see how she was staring at me like am some kind of her enemy" she turned and faced him.

"Who? Emily?" Beatrix nodeded "But why will she have anything against you, you just met?"

"Well, she was kinda saying that she wanted to get back with you or something and she thinks that am an obstruction" Beatrix took the pop corn bowl from his hand and turned to continue watching.

James smiled and his face brighten "Did she really say that?" his voice sounding enthusiastic

Beatrix furrowed her brows and asked "Why do you sound happy?, don't tell me you want her back too?"

"Umm, no its not like th..." he stopped for some seconds then continued "I dont know" he voice sounded confused.

Seeing his reaction, Beatrix shoved the bowl back into his hands and stared angrily at him then left the living room without waiting for him to recover from his daze. James furrowed his brows 'what did i do?', his pupils wondered sideways trying to figure out what just happened, but he just gave up and went to look for her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Elsewhere, Mrs. John sat on her bed and answered her phone that was vibrating. It was an unknown caller but she didn't hesitate to answer.


"Is the plan set in place?" a hoarse voice spoke from the other side.

"Yes boss, it is ready. Just awaiting your order"

"Proceed without further delay"

"Yes boss" Mrs. John then ended the call and dialed her phone again

It rang for few seconds before a man picked up.

"Proceed as planned, no more delays or the boss wont be happy" she ordered

"Yes ma'am"

"And please, make sure you don't leave any eveidence. No slip ups" she instructed

"I will make sure of that ma'am"

"Good" then she hung up and her lips curled up into an evil smirk.

Her gaze sharpened with her evil smirk still on "Its time to see your end Mr. Mark".