Sophie went and met Chris at the Marks Mansion, they chatted for a long time with Beatrix, Chris was even feeling a bit jealous because he became invicible to them, he just sat quietly and stared at them. They had dinner there, Mr. Mark was so happy seeing them together, he teased both of them about having kids, they all had a blissful dinner before leaving for Chris apartment.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chris was having a nightmare when he was sleeping, he was dreaming about his mother when she was shot, subconciously he cried "MOM!" as he suddenly sat up on the bed, he looked beside him where sophie was sleeping and she wasn't even finged by his action as she was still in deep slumber.

He stood up from the bed and left the room, he went to the mini bar in the dinning room, he took a bottle of whiskey and sat at the dinning table, he opened the bottle and took a gulp then leaned on the chair and relaxed a bit.

Sophie changed her sleeping position on the bed and her hand fell on Chris side but this time it felt different, whenever she flings her hand like this it always landed on something warm and soft but this time its cold and lumpy, she squint her eyes and slowly opened them, she saw Chris was missing , she sat up on the bed and yawned while streching, she rubbed her eyes with her palm and walked out of the room. She notice the light in the dinning room was on, she walked to the dinning room and saw Chris drinking, she walked up to him and sat beside him.

"Drinking is bad but doing it at night? " she took the bottle from his hand

"Hey!, Give it back" his voice sad and distant

"What wrong?"

"Nothing, i was just thinking about my mother, she was so caring, beautiful, understanding, funny, positive thinker, her smiles just brightens your day, she raised me on her own, she was strong and independent, even though my father was around, she never even needed his help in raising me, she was always there for me, she was my hero, my strength, my everything, she was just perfect but alas the world took her away from me" as he explained, Sophie was concentrated on his story, he reached and took the bottle from the table.

"Hey, no" she took the bottle again "Ok fine since you wont listen" she raised the bottle and took a gulp "I will drink too" she took another gulp

He chuckled "You are crazy" and he took the bottle from her hand and drank it too. They shared the drink till they were both drunk.

"But Chris what really happened to your mom, how did she die?" Sophie asked

"Well...... she was shot by an assassin" he replied with a sad and low voice

"Oh, am so sorry" she held his hand and massaged it to coax him

"Its fine, i always tried to bury it inside but i guess i just cant" he chuckled awkwardly out of pain

"Those memories are not just kept in our heart but they become scars on our hearts so we never forget them" she said then put her hands on his face and turned him to face her "It going to be fine, you have beatrix and me"

He stared at her mesmerising brown eyes as she stared back into his blue eyes, they both seemed zoned out staring at each other like they could see both their souls. Chris slowly leaned and kissed her lips, she felt his lips on hers and she relaxed and kissed back, it slowly turned passionate, he stood up and lift her in his arm then carried her back to the room.

He gently lay her down on the bed, her face was flushed red, she closed her eyes and let him do whatever he wants, he leaned in and kissed her lips, she wrapped her arm around his neck pulling him closer. He kissed to her cheeks, then her ears, he moved down to her neck, she lightly moaned as she was liking the pleasure he was giving her, it was her way of saying she wants more.

He raised his body then undress her, he leaned in and kissed her cleavage, he unclipped her bra and gently massaged her breast, she bit her lower lip while her eyes tightly shut, he kissed her breast and slowly sucked her nipple making her moan even more, she grabbed the bedsheet tightly enjoying every moment of their love making.

He slowly moved his hand down to her abdomen, he put his hand in her panty and gently rubbed he clit with his middle finger, he started slowly then turned it more intense, Sophie moaned as her breathing increased slowly, Chris removed his shorts then leaned on Sophie, he stared at her beautiful face then kissed her again, he spread her legs and slowly entered her but she finged and cried in pain, he was frightened by her sudden action.

"Does it hurt?" he calmly asked her

"mmm" she nodded

"You never done it before?"

"mmm" she nodded again

"Ok, i will take it slow and gentle" he caress her cheek and kissed her lips

"Ok" she bit her lower lip and closed her eyes ready to accept him.

He slowly began to enter her again, she grapped his arm tightly, her nails dug into his arm, it hurts but he doesn't care, she was just releasing the pain she felt. He leaned and kissed her to make her relax, they both had a passionate night. After they were done, Sophie couldn't stand up, Chris cleaned her up with a damp towel, before laying beside her. She slept peacefully in his embrace, he stared at the ceiling with a smile on his face 'You are now mine, forever' he kissed her forehead before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.