Three weeks gone by like the wind and its winter, Sophie was sleeping when she suddenly got off the and ran to the bathroom.

'PUH!' She puked in the toilet and she knelt on the floor panting, she started feeling it again.


'PUH!' she puked again and again. She was panting heavily and her face looked pale as sheet.

'What's wrong with you Sophie, i hope its not what am thinking' Sophie thought as she stood up and rinsed her mouth. She walked out of the bathroom after she took a bath, wearing a robe and wiping her face with a towel, Chris already left so she was alone, she took her phone and send him a text.

{I will not come to work today, i feel sick and exhausted, i will go to the hospital}. After just some seconds he replied. {What?!, i hope its nothing serious?}

{No, am just a bit nauseous}

{Ok, take care of yourself. I will see you later when i get home}

She dropped the phone and lay heavily on the bed burrying her face in the pillow.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chris was in a meeting with some investor when he received the text, it was his first day as CEO, so everyone was looking at him, well more like reading his expression. His face was expressionless from the begining of the meeting, he radiated an aura of coldness and authority, the staffs were afraid, even though they knew him for many years, they still couldn't feel relaxed in front of him.

At first he wanted to ignore the notification but the meeting was boring anyways, so he just checked it. After he read the content, he looked worried, all the people in the meeting room noticed his change in expression, all their hearts began to beat hard. After he replied to her messages, he looked up and saw all the people staring at him. His worried expression turned to anger which made them all look away in fear. He stood up and left the meeting room, all of them let out a sigh of relief.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chris drove his Mercedes Maybach to the car park, Sophie peeked through the window with a worried face , she stared at him till he reached the porch. He entered the house, removed his shoe and put on his slipppers, he walked to the couch where Sophie was seated and sat beside her, he embraced her and kissed her forehead.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked with a warm and caring voice

"Am feeling.....ok" she replied with a low voice, Chris barely heard her

He released her from his embrace and cupped her face with his warm hand "Whats wrong?"

'Should i tell him. No, no, no i can't, i have to keep this a secret. If i tell him, my mom will surely know and she will want me to get rid of it, i cant risk it. This little life inside me must live, i will protect you with my life, nobody can hurt you as long as am alive' she kept thinking as her eyes look left to right.

"Hey, anyone home" he tapped her cheek

"Huh, sorry. Chris..." she paused for a second then took deep breath "I went to the hospital and the doctors said am......" She stop 'Sophie don't you dare tell him, think about the baby' she continued "am just having a fever due to the change of weather" she bit her lower lip and laid her head on his chest. 'am sorry Chris but even you cant know'

"Oh thank God its not something serious" he caressed her hair slowly and kissed her forehead then embraced her tightly.