Mom, just give up and lets end this. Please, lets just go home" James walked up to her and turned her to face him

"Am sorry james, i love you but i can't go to jail" she released her hand and rushed out of the room.

"Please forgive me mother" he said in a low voice then ran out of the room too.

He went and searched for Chris. After he found him they both ran out of the building to find Sophie. They killed some men and took there guns, they fought their way through some more men then they spotted the yatch, James saw his mother walking to the yatch.

"Chris go get Sophie, i will cover you" James tapped his shoulder

Chris just gave him a thumps up, and started walking towards the yatch. James stood behind killing the men that approached while the Special Force entered the Castle building and set remotely detonated bombs.

Chris came to the yatch and killed two men before getting aboard, he sneaked to the upper deck where James's mother was. He reached the deck and saw her sitting on a couch with the document she gave him earlier.

"So are you ready to sign it or should i kill her?" a man came up to the deck with Sophie and stood adjacent to Chris, he had a gun pointed to her head then Mrs. Beatrix put the paper on a table in front of her

He slowly walked and sat on a chair opposite to her, he took for the file and opened it, took the pen and put it on the dotted line, he was about sign suddenly

"Don't sign it!" James shouted as he walked up to the deck

"James stay out of this" his mother stood up and took out a gun from beside the couch she was sitting and pointed it toward Sophie

"Mom please stop this" James walked a bit forward.

"I will not stop until i get what i want"

"Finally, you admit it. You wanted this and not me" James laughed Sarcastically.

"Yes, so what. If i get it, we both get it"

James waved his hand in air and out of nowhere a bullet went straight through the head of the man holding Solphie.

"Please just stop now, its over" James pleaded

Mrs. Beatrix laughed maniacally "i decide when its over. How could you do this to your own mother?"

"You did this to yourself mom. Just give up and lets go home" James wanted to step forward but she pointed her gun at him

She turned and pointed it at Chris "No, am not going. Since i can't get it then he can't either, James is the rightful heir to our family, everything belonged to my husband. Your father took it away then left and now i will send you to him"

"No mother don't do this"

"He has to die"

"Please don't do this"

"No, no, no i think it will be better to let you suffer" she then pointed the gun at Sophie "I'll kill your child"

"NO!" Chris shouted and ran over to Sophie



Two shots were fired, Sophie closed her eyes but she never felt any pain on her body. She felt something shivering while touching her face, she slowly opened her eyes and saw Chris looking at her smiling, her mouth subconciously opened and her eyes widened "Chris!" she shouted. His legs gave up and he fell but before he reached the ground Sophie caught him on her laps.

Well as for the other shot, take a guess.

James shot his mother straight in the heart, she fell to the ground and James rushed towards her and pulled her into his embrace while tears rolled down his face "Am sorry mom" but she was already dead. He carried her body and left the yatch.

"Chris, Chris wake up. No please, why would you do that?"

He laughed "Are you serious?. Even if i don't trust you now, i still love my baby"

"I know but your baby needs you too, please stay alive" Sophie sobbed as she spoke

"Just take care of my....our baby, please" he coughed and blood came out of his mouth "Tell him or her that i was the superman who saved your life" he laughed

"How can you be making jokes right now, just be quiet and save your energy" she embraced him tightly

"Just take care of yourself and the baby" he held her hand and tighten his grip

"I will, i promise, just don't go. I love you" she tighten her grip too

She was sobbing with Chris in her embrace, suddenly she felt his grip get weaker, before she could react his hand slipped out of her and his heart slowly stopped.

"No, no, no, Chris no!" she placed her head on his chest and cried .

A chopper landed on the yatch and some group of medical doctors rushed to Chris and Sophie, they covered Sophie in a blanket and they carried Chris on a stretcher, they all boarded the Chopper and started accending. Through the window, Sophie saw the whole island blow up. She closed her eyes and sighed 'its all over, now i have deal with my mom. Oh, step mom'.