WebNovelTrue God53.85%


I keep looking into the laws until the knowledge copying that I'm doing with Werin is done.

Werin wakes up and looks at me with a bit of a frown, "You could have told me it would take this long."

"If I had gone any faster you'd be a husk. To do my memory copying I needed to use the only semi-stable force you have, and that is your life force in the orb, I had to refill that orb I gave you three times already or else you'd be dead."

"Three times?! all these years and I've only been able to dim it in the last thousand years..."

"Why only the last thousand years?" I questioned with an interested manner,

"As I'm sure you know now, I had to use a lot of forbidden spells using the power stored in the orb or else I wouldn't have been able to cast them," Werin said this while shaking her head.

"Some of the forbidden spells you knew and used during the war touched the tiniest edge of Gods comprehension and strength. It's only natural that you dimmed it so much, it's meant to extend your life not a fuel source for spells." I give her a little glare while saying this,

"I know! But I didn't have much of choice with the war escalating with findings of God's blood. A world was already drenched in blood and almost destroyed before we were able to cast a forbidden God spell and bring an end to it with a show of pure strength." She said as she shook her head.

I didn't respond as it was only natural that some mortals wouldn't use the god's blood for the altars, as they would try to hoard some of it for themselves.

I kept looking into the laws, and it seems like I'll be able to do what I need, but it'll take quite a few resources to do it, and I'm not even sure if some are yet being made, grown, or processed anymore. That doesn't mean I can't just create them, but I don't want anything to be free in the realm of mortals as it also teaches us, gods, to value the things we have created and not to make them if it's inconvenient for us to find them.

"Werin, I've filled your orb, so as long as you don't use any more forbidden spells, you'll live for another seven thousand years, but right now I need some things from you."

"What could a god need? Can't you make what you want?" Werin questioned as she was very interested in why a god would ever truly need something when they can make it from nothing.

"Yes, I can make what I need, but I need to get back to the realm of gods to check on a few things if you need your orb refilled or anything else just say what you need into this hairpin." I say as I form my hands into a cup and create a beautiful black steel and gold inlay hairpin.

It was the exact shape and look of the banner on the walls when I had gotten sent to the Leg Of Lerik.

"This is the exact premise as the altars, but it's more like the communication necklaces and wristbands that you have. Also, it'd look a little weird to have a hairpin with almost no hair so here's a bit of a gift." I release a tiny amount of a gods aura as to give her the said gift, The bed that she was on flattened onto the floor and the tables as well as books morphed into a flat plane as thin as a hair. The tare in the void was morphing as if trying to obey its masters command like a trained dog. Werin feeling this force immediately coughed out a lot of blood and was about to be turned to dust from the pressure. Seeing Werin coughing out what I needed, I smiled and concealed my aura, "It's now time for the gift." I raise my hand over Werin's eyes with her still coughing and about to faint.

Suddenly magic circles with ever-changing letters and geometric shapes formed using her blood as fuel. Some as small as a platelet of blood with carvings on it while others as big as a full grown man,

"May the burden of time no longer weigh down upon you. Time shall bend and twist at the will of a god."

Heeding it's call the magic circles create a funnel giving me the burden of time that was once Werins. Within a minute it was looking as if Werin was aging backward as hair was now growing on her head, the wrinkles and signs of old age were fading away. After another minute Werin looked like the lady that was in the painting on the wall, she seemed to be in her mid-40s but still looked youthful and full of vigor.

Werin shocked and about to faint could only cry a little as she rolled over and saw her face in a broken shard of glass that was on the ground, until fainting and falling asleep. After the spell was finished I quickly changed back into the mortal I looked like before as I was going to bring us back from the tear in the void. I created some small circles that were flowing into each other in the air with the particles of dust. I then reach out and grip my fist and pull back. The room lurches to a small speed suddenly making the room shake a bit.

Feeling the room move in the void I smiled, I look over at Werin and put the hairpin in a part of her hair that was next to her ear and flicked an orb of light into her head as to know what the things on the list are. After doing this, I feel the room come to a stop; I proceed to leave the room and close the door quickly behind me.

As soon as I was outside A student about 23 years old with a black bear and blond hair glared at me with disdain, "What was a rat like you doing in teachers bedroom?! As well as being inside a forbidden area for new students!"

I put on the most innocent look a little 14-year-old boy could make, "Teacher was talking to me about my test and is having me get some studying materials."

"A little rat like you, a student of my teacher?!" He glared at me like I was scum, "Only I will be her spiritual successor and get her inheritance! No one else will get it and not some poor rat like you!" He gave a sinister smile while preparing to slap me,

With a slap from someone at the Orb splitting Stage that had undergone magical strengthening could easily detach my head if I were an average 14-year-old with a simple slap.

"I wouldn't do that." I dropped my cute act and stared at him as if he was an ant.

"No one will stop me from getting it." He smiled and laughed like a mad man lost in his lust for greed.

He attempted to slap me, but before he could I conjured an awkward and mind-bending set of magic circles while raising my hand in front of me, I whisper, "May your soul have rest from the greed that has gripped it."

He quickly stopped and looked at me in terror; he promptly took every pill he had to save his pitiful life. The man looked down in horror noticing that his hands and parts of his face were turning into dust as the spell was branded on his soul.

The man could only run and scream down the hall while seeing his hands turn to dust before falling apart. Soon the rest of the spell was in effect, turning his body into dust leaving only his clothes on the floor.

There was a slight ball of light coming up from the pile of dust looking for respite, with his soul flowing into my gods' domain that I had opened letting his soul rest.

I too turned to dust and teleported into my Gods realm with my original look and size,

"I do hope you can get all the things on the list before seven thousand years little bean." A warm smile filled my face, "If you're able to I can create you into a lesser god, you can come and do wonderful things you've never even imaged."

Chapter name, Mortals Ascension