WebNovelTrue God84.62%

Adventures beginning [1]

Ten years have passed since I had gotten into this school, through that time I have learned quite a bit as well as made some friends. Although I do typically talk to just Emily and Nathan since they have become magic casters with cores at the 3rd grade, they have moved out of the school and started their lives. Nathan became a mercenary magic caster, while Emily wanted to explore the world. Every once and awhile they send me letters detailing their journey as well as share some rare findings that they come across to help me improve.

With them helping me along with them answering a few of my questions, I was able to get to the Core splitting high stage, my body as detailed in the books that Lera gave me was filled with the red threads. As shown in the book the threads safeguard my organs and overall body from harm although right now I can't use them externally.

There was some knocking on my door, "Hey Jem you in there?" I turned over in my bed lazily; I was taller and muscular.

Additionally, I am starting to look closer to my true form although without the pure white skin. My body was no longer as childish as it was before, giving me a certain charm that some girls in school seemed to be attracted to, of course with my white and silver hair along with my gold and jade colored eyes only accentuated that fact.

Rubbing my eyes and pulling the covers over my body I yell back, "Yeah I'm here just open the door." I promptly unlock the door using magic,

Johnny opened the door seeing me support my head with my arm while looking at him, "Some of the guys wanted to know if you wanna grab some food before we go to the school spar event since you only have to participate in the afternoon."

Johnny was a good guy; he was 15 and about 5'10 a little chubby; additionally he has brown hair and blue eyes. If he lost a little weight, I'm sure he could get a girlfriend along with this he got here about a year ago. I would always help him out every once and awhile with his cultivation since I get the most resources out of all the students and for me getting to a higher cultivation level was as easy as just waiting since I naturally cultivated all the time.

Granted I would be going faster with the materials the school is providing. But with the book that Lera gave me it wouldn't do much as this cultivation technique takes a lot of time. I was already monstrously quick with this type of cultivation anyway, and although it did have its downsides, I was still incredibly strong in my Core splitting stage.

"Yeah I suppose, do you wanna come with me?"

"Yeah but you're gonna buy!" Johnny gave me a large grin

"I always buy what do you mean?" I snapped my fingers, and a dark screen blocked Johnny's vision,

After a little bit of time, I snapped my fingers again showing that I was fully dressed and ready to go. I was wearing a red and gold colored robe with my hair in a ponytail so that it doesn't fly everywhere in the wind since the sparring event will be taking place outside.

We proceed to the food area and notice there is a bit of a line, so we wait a bit and talk,

"Jem are you confident that you can win the sparring event again?" Johnny questioned as we started walking further in the line before again having to wait for a little,

"Yeah I'm pretty confident, I'm already at Core Splitting High Stage, so besides the old seniors that can't even participate in the spar besides viewing, I'm pretty confident." I nodded my head while again moving forward in line.

After around four more minutes of waiting, we were finally at the front of the line,

"What would you like?" The food worker spoke up, looking as sad as ever

"Just give me one of everything-"

"Me too!' Johnny quickly chimed in, waving to the food worker while being afraid of me not paying for his food because he was currently broke right now.

The worker only looked at him for a second before sighing and giving him his food. We walked to one of our usual tables and started to eat our food enjoyingly. Looking around I notice that I'm still one of the younger students in the school, but I'm already at the rank where I could graduate if I wanted to. I've already learned all I can due to Lera sending some of the more advanced teachers to tutor me privately.

After I advance to the Thread Webbing Stage, I'll leave and explore this world and maybe the other ones. From what I had read I'm going to have quite a bit of fun since the planet I'm on is one of the bigger ones called Emerald Gem. What's interesting is that during the war they shut down all gates that lead to other planets to safeguard themselves.

On other planets, since the war was so long they effectively never knew it was inhabited except for some of the old powerhouses. Although a sizeable green world was still visible in the sky, hints the name, some wished to go there to attempt to escape from the violent and bloody war, but many believed it was a dead planet since no one went there.

Although now that the war is over they've started to open the gates again letting others come and go freely, even though they still heavily guard as well as regulate the gates so that an army doesn't go through. Quickly though this planet has become a tourist attraction since the old buildings and libraries were not destroyed in the war, making it the most advanced and beautiful world in the solar system.

Coming back to focus on the time I quickly sighed, "Johnny the spar is going to start here in a few minutes, if you're not done then you can find me in the same spot last year alright?"

Johnny looked at his watch with a mouth full of food before speaking, "Mhphh."

I laugh a little and start to make my way outside to the arena; It was surrounded by tall and lushes trees with a few Gem flowers that emanated a soft green glow. There were quite a few people outside, so I wasn't able to hear the birds through all their talking.

I slowly push through the crowd until I get to my seat that is situated above the arena were the sparing is going to happen since I was last year's number one.

"Quiet!" Lera waved his hand, radiating a formless pressure on all the students as he flew to the chair above mine, "Our sparring will begin soon, the number one will not have to participate till the top ten. Now, to all the students participating this year, take a number, this is the number in which you will be fighting as well as determine your starting opponent. Once half of you are gone we will begin the next portion of the event."

Lera gave the nod seeing everyone listening to him. He waited for everyone to get a number, after a bit of time and everything is ready he yelled,


The students quickly got up to their respective parts of the arena and began fighting. Although the overall quality of the students was somewhat mediocre, it was still a vast improvement than last year. Last year some of the students didn't quite know how to cast magic without it backfiring but always wanted to enter, so a lot of them just fought with each other physically. They didn't get far.

I look up at Lera in his seat while a lot of the sparing is still going on to drown out the sound of us talking, "After I'm done with this year's spar event I'm going to graduate and go explore the world formally, I am hoping you'll agree."

"I would prefer it if you stayed." Lera lightly shook his head with a frown, "You're safe here, and others wouldn't dare to kidnap you and force you into their faction or sect. Although I won't stop you I would still like you to know the danger you're in the minute you step out of our territory."

"I understand the danger that will follow me and anyone that is around me, but that won't stop me from widening my view of the world," I replied stubbornly

"I figured you would say something like that." Lera sighed, "I'd like you to advance to rank three first when you do you'll at least be able to fight off some decently strong bandits, and at that time I will consider it."

I smile, giving Lera an eerie feeling, "I can break through to rank three at any time, you'll have to start considering soon."

I turn back and continue watching the event although it was slightly dull since some were still trying to attack each other physically. Lera sighed and put his hand on his forehead feeling overwhelmed. The first half of the sparring event was quickly over.