At the Yumnan High School.

"Hahh...Huh...Thank God! I'm not late! 5 minutes early! I thought that I couldn't make it!"

Shi Yan's panting and gasping for a fresh breath.

After parking her bicycle in the student's school parking, Shi Yan goes to the toilet first to treat her wound.

" arm was scratched a little bit and still bleeding! How can I don't feel the pain? It wasn't hurt at all!"

She was mumbling and thinking to herself that her wound was so weird while covering her arm with plaster that she picked it up from her sliding bag.

"It was very hurtful at first, but then it looked like the pain was gone quickly..."

"…What's wrong with me?"

Shi Yan's face was puzzled, and she made some conclusions. She rubbed her hair slowly with both of her hands.

"Ahh!..Whatever... It's still fine as long as I'm in good condition!"

She nodded repeatedly to herself and continued to murmur slowly in a low voice.

"But...hey! If I didn't try to dodge my bicycle from that car. I wonder if I was alive or not...If I'm not mistaken, my wound was caused by my jumps, not caused by getting hit by that car..."

Shi Yan tries to flashback about how she can dodge the car, control her bicycle, and jump from it. However, she didn't know that if it was the ordinary person, they might not have dodged it and been hit by that car. They could have died or will have severe injuries at the hospital now.

"Hahaha..maybe I was too braved and intelligent to do that. Critical thinking and wise decisions! Anyway, my lovely bicycle didn't 'hurt' at all! Just the tyres seem a little flat and some damaged at it! I'll have to ask my dad to repair it…Yeah! It was a good idea, after all! Hahahaa.."

Shi Yan praises herself for getting so strong. She tried to tell herself she was brave but just told that to ensure she didn't get into dangerous and troubling situations. So, she always thinks positively about whatever isn't.

Shi Yan just makes herself look like a fool, although she was a hidden gem and intelligent enough in her class last year. However, she's not too friendly to anyone. She can easily make everyone be friends with her, but she never has any best friends or in close relationships. Because of her dark past that has haunted her for many years, Shi Yan was scared to do anything. However, she didn't realize about this. She then tries to make excuses for herself, thinking that her life can't be like that. So, Shi Yan wanted to challenge herself by creating a personality to hide her past life so no one else could know and see it. Maybe she can tell her past life to the person she opens up to and the 'true friend' she has wanted for a long time.

Now, she wants to look stupid and be cheerful to make at least one best friend this year. If it was more than one friend, it means her mission to make the best friends was successful. But she still ensures her intelligence is not fading away as she does this complicated mission.

Shi Yan then woke up from her day-dreaming. She shook her head repeatedly side-by-side.

"Ahh!.. What am I dreaming about? Better go to the concourse, or I'll be late on my first day!

After Shi Yan said that, she left the toilet and went to the hall.


*Do you guys think that Shi Yan's idea was crazy? No!! She just did that because she was always lonely, and her life was entirely of boredom. After she looked at her other friends, she had their best friends and boyfriends with joy on their faces plus full of colourful life. She then tries to make a challenge and change. All of this was an image created by Shi Yan's self to endure and confront her dark self-past, and she didn't realize it. Like you are fighting for yourself for a better future, I hope she's getting strong with her mission! However, she doesn't know what'll be waiting for her...

Do you guys want to know about her dark past life? You will know it when you keep reading this novel! ~