In the Class 10-2.

Shi Yan and Tao Mei was about to go out from the classroom when she saw someone peeping at them behind back door class and then,that shadow are disappeared.When she tries to look up,Tao Mei asks her with strange face.

"Yan,what's wrong?"

"No..nothing at all..I was about to switch off the fan."

Then she goes to turned off then fan.


After turned off the switch,she look at Tao Mei and talked to her.

"Come on!Let's go!"


Then the two of them talked a little bit and goes to the downstairs.


At the first floor.

"Well..I have to go now!Goodbye and see you tomorrow Mei..Be careful.."

"Yeah..Okay I'll be careful..Bye-bye and see you tomorrow too Yan!"

Shi Yan start walked to her lovely bicycle after bid a goodbye to Tao Mei.She then rides on it and goes home.


At Shi Yan homes.

"Dad!!I'm back!Yuhuu...Daddy where're you?"

Shi Yan searched for her father.Then she hit her head with her palm.

"Aww..man!!I forget that he usually go back at night!Hmm...What can I do thought..Maybe I can ask he go back from work at evening...By the way,I'm hungry!Takes the bath first!"

Shi Xiao go to the upstairs and go to her room.She taked the bathe and changed her uniform school to her casual outfit that she always wears at home.Then she go back to downstairs.

She goes to the kitchen and open the refrigator and make some foods for her and her father.

Shi Yan learned how to cook when she was 13 years old.That was her father taught her.But lately,her father always busy with his works and didn't have time at home.

Shi Yan was the only child and daughter in the Shi family.

At first,she thinks that her grandfather didn't like her just because she's a girl,because her grandfather wants a son to be the heirs of the Shi family property.So,she lived disparate from the Shi family with her father.

All of sudden, her grandfather treated her well this year,even invited her to lives at the Shis house and she disagreed at it because she wants to stay with her father. Although they lived differently,but they always keeps in touched with each others.

After that,she eats the food on the sofa at the living room and watches the television.

"Now,we brought you news about the popular actress,Chen Minyi..Actress Chen Minyi will be acts into new dramas with actor....."

The reporter in the television are broadcast about the hot news nowadays.

"Ehh??Why would that actress looks like Tao Mei?!Uhukk!..Uhukk..."

Shi Yan who was eating the tasty plus delicious hot and spicy foods,were taken aback and choked on her own saliva and spit out the food that she eated then she coughed repeatedly.Her eyes still on the television.

"...Her dramas will be aired around this month.That's what the statement she says to the media this morning.The reported was finished here..We'll come back about sports news after the advertisement..."

After the broadcast finished,Shi Yan quickly drink the water behind her and she says.

"Uhh..I though that I'll be dies after choked..haha..what the bad habits!"

Then she gazed at the television in the long-time and talked to herself.

"That actress truly looks like Tao Mei,but a little old and her hair are not same.."

Afterwards,she thinks about the shadow that were peeked at her and Tao Mei back then.

"Who's peeking at us like that?I think that I don't have any enemy in that school.I'm just new there..Whatever isn'it,I'll asks Tao Mei tomorrow.Maybe she knew about something.."

She feels goose-flesh at her arms when thinking about that shadow....
