During the school break time.

Shi Yan and Tao Mei was about to go to the canteen when Zheng Chuanli's calling they.

"Hey!!Yan,Mei!Waited for me!I wanted to joins you two."

Shi Yan accepts it without hesitate.

"Sure,you can joins us.Are you alright with that Mei?"

"Yeah,I'm okay with that."

The two of them agreed it quickly.

"Oh?I can joined?Yes!Thank you!"

Zheng Chuanli thanked to them.

"You're welcome."

Tao Mei replied it while Shi Yan nodded.

While they're walking,Zheng Chuanli asks them the questions.

"I forget to asked you guys.Where're you two heading to?"

Shi Yan heard that reply with bareface.

"We're going to have lunch at canteen."

"Ohh..I see.."

Zheng Chuanli said that and nodded.

"Yep,we're going to have lunch so you guys must hurry up!I'm so hungry!"

Tao Mei talked with uncomfortable face.Shi Yan saw that give a courage to her.

"Be patient,Mei.We're heading to canteen now."

"Yeah..Can you waited for a little bit?"

Zheng Chuanli then asked her.

"No!...I can't waited for!My stomach's uttering!It hurts!Just hurries up you guys and stop blabbering!"


Shi Yan and Zheng Chuanli who's heard that automatically speechless.Both of them looked at Tao Mei and thoughts.

'When did we blabbering?We just wanted to helps you to be relax,but it looks like you're really,really hungry.What a straightforward person.'

After heard Tao Mei's comments,they go to the canteen faster like a deer rans from the tiger.

Well..the tiger wanted to eats the deer because its were hungry.Here..looks like we're gonna eats by Tao Mei because she was hungry...


After school finished.

At the first floor beside the gate.

Shi Yan and Tao Mei were chatted to each other.

"Yan,you're going home with what?"

"Usually,I'm go home with bicycle.But my bicycle was sent to the workshop so I'm going home with my dad today and next day.

"Ohh..I see.By the way,I'm going home with the chauffeur an...."


"Ohh!..There she's!I'm gotta go now!Bye Yan!"

"Bye Mei!"

Shi Yan saw Tao Mei got into the car that a woman chauffeur was drived.Then she see her wave at her.She waved at her back until the car  disappeared.


She heard the car sounds and looked over.She rushes to that car.

"Dad!'re here!"

"Yes,my daughter.Got into the car now,we're going to shopping for cook."

Shi Yan got into the car beside driver seats.She enquire a question with impatient face.

"Dad,are you going to cook today?"

"Yes,I'm going to cook for my lovely and naughty daughter"

Shi Xiao said that and askance at her then continues his driving.Shi Yan says with excited face.

"Wow!I bet that it's gonna be delicious!"

"Of course!"

Then he drived the car away.


After the car were drived away,the same mysterious figure appeared under the tree beside the gate.

The 'anonymous' is looking at the car until it left.Then smirked with scary face and laughed evilly.

"Hahaha...Looks like I knew what to do now..I must make a plan first!Just you waits!Hehehe!!.."


With the incredible speed,the 'anonymous' disappeared from the tree.
