[ Don't tell her father about what had happened today.Just told he it was an accident and keep it as secret.Don't worried about my wounds,I'll take care it myself.And to her,tell her to be more careful. ]

"Huh?..what did it mean?"

Shi Yan asked Tao Mei after she read that.

"Don't asked me..I don't known he too..I don't see his face because of his black hoodie..."

These two became dumbfounded.

Shi Yan talked in slow voice.

"How did he knew?I don't tell anyone..."

"Yan..what do you meant?"

Tao Mei who's heard that,wrinkled her forehead and asked her.Shi Yan looked at her and give explanation.

"Mei,do you remember what I'm about to tell you earlier?"

"What?I don't...Ohh!!It's before you defended me!"

"Yes,that's right..About yesterday,I actually were have been attacked and pushed into the river..."

"Ohh my!!!..Who's it?Who's that wicked could pushed you?!"

After she said that,she observed at Shi Yan with the shocked face.

"Be patient,Mei.I'm gonna tell you..It's the same girl that were peeked at us."

"What?!Are you're serious?How could you knew it was a girl?"

"Yes,I'm serious.I knew it when I got the opportunity to saw her before I fell into the river and someone saved me.."

"How's her face?And who's that someone saved you?"

Tao Mei asked some question to her with puzzled face.

"Well...I only saw that she wore the black cap,half-masked and the same school uniform like us.Oh!Another things,her hair was long and have been tied.Although she tried to does that,I'm still alive because of the young man who had saved me."

"Ohh!I see!"

Tao Mei nodded after said that.

Shi Yan continued her talk after she saw Tao Mei nodded.

"And it's looks like he was the same guy who have protected me from that big flowerpot."

"How do you know he were the same guy?"

 "It's because his cologne."

"I see now!!"


Shi Yan talk about how she felt about that girl.

"I feels that the one who's trying to hurted you with that big flowerpot was the same girl who's tried to pushed me."

"Hmm..you're right!Why would that girl have grudge to us?What we had done?"

"I don't know..."

They silent for a second until Shi Yan talk.

"Hey..I don't tell to my dad that I were be pushed into the river.Now...the problem's,how could that guy knew everything and who's that girl?"

They two thoughts about the same thinked and screamed.

"Ahhhh!!!!!This's so hard to thinkk!!!"

Well...there're two crazy women who's screaming now..it looks like have been increased...


After about twenty-minute later..(They're pondered so long,I don't know what they're thinked)

"Yan..I have to go home now,goodbye!See you tomorrow!"

Tao Mei bid a goodbye and ready to leave.

"Are you sure Mei?You can sleep here tonight or I can ask my dad to accompany you go home."

Shi Yan said that with apprehensive face.

"It's okay.I have called the chauffeur to send me home.Also,I can't sleep here because my clothes at home and my mom are worried about me."

"Ohh..I see you later then.."

Shi Yan's face was little disappointed after said that.Tao Mei who saw that try to persuade her.

"Aww..Yan,don't be sad.Maybe I could sleep at your home another time."

 "Are you sure?

She asked that to ascertain her.

"Yes!I'm sure!"

Then they smiled at each other.


At living room.

After Tao Mei left,her dad start to enquires her many questions.

"My daughter,are you okay?You're not hurt everywhere right?How's your feeling now?How could you can got into this accident?You can see me right now didn't you?


"Uhh...My beloved dad,I'm okay now..not hurted everywhere..my feeling was like usual..I got into this accident because my fault..I wanted to saved my friend..Yes,I can saw you right now.."

'Well...my dad now turned into police when he see me like this..that's why I can't tell he what had happened...'

Shi Xiao start to talk after heard his lovely daughter was alright.

"Hmm..I think that..I must hire some bodyguard to you if something like this happen again."


Shi Yan who heard that's shrieking in shocked.

Her father's really serious this time.

"Dad,it was nothing..you saw that I'm fine,right?"

"Well..we don't know what'll happen in future.I just wanted my daughter be save."

After he said that he goes to upstairs and leave Shi Yan alone.

Shi Yan turned astonish and she thinked.

'Dad...you're not serious right?'
