During school break time.

In the class 10-2.

"Yan,I have to go to the Principle's Office with Teacher Qingye to discuss some issue..could you have a lunch with Chuanli?"

Tao Mei asked her with anxious face.

"Yep,I'm fine with that."

Shi Yan replied her without hesitated.

"Okay then,I'm gotta go now!See you later!"

After said that,Tao Mei disappeared from Shi Yan sight.


Shi Yan goes to the corridor beside her class when she saw Zheng Chuanli there.

"Hey Chuanli,can I have a lunch with you?Mei have to go to the Principle's Office with Teacher Qingye so she can't lunch with me."

"Of course sure!I was on the way to canteen too."


They chatted a little bit and walked.


A girl with gray eyes approached these two.

"Hello,are you Zheng Chuanli?"

She speaked straight to Zheng Chuanli.

"Yes,I'm Zheng Chuanli..what's the matter?"

"The leader of the Badminton's Club wanted to see you now.She's at that club.You know where's it right?"

The girl told the information and enquired her.

"Yes,I knew.It was at building C,isn't it?"

Zheng Chuanli nodded while said that.

"Yes,that's right.She wants to see you immediately!"


After that,Zheng Chuanli looked at Shi Yan and ask her.

"Shi Yan,could you go alone to the canteen?"

"Yeah..I can go there myself.Don't worry about me!"

"Alright,then I go first!Bye!"


Zheng Chuanli and that gray's eyes girl go away from Shi Yan.

Then,she sigh and thoughts.

'Sigh...Now,I have to eat lunch alone...Why do I always put myself in this position?Never mind,I'm hungry!'

She started walking to the canteen with sorrowful face.



"Ahhh!!!So handsomee!!"

"Woww!!He's totally my type!"

"What a hot guy!!!I'm gonna dies in happiness when I saw this creature!!"

The group of girls or gossip girls is shrieking and observing at someone when Shi Yan's walking to the canteen.Her head goes down after she heard that.

'I'm so lazy to known these things!In fact,everyone have theirs secret admire include me!Just that one Prince Charming!I can't find him until now...Although they were shrieked just now,they're not secret admire..They're like a group of fans to their idol like I usually watch in television..Because that new guy who just arrived at our school,no way he'll have secret admire...Ahhh!!What am I thinking about?That's not my business!Not my business!My business is to eat lunch and go back to the class!Fini...'



Unfortunately,Shi Yan fell on the floor after she bumps into someone's shoulder while she thinked like an alien.

'Crap!I'm so busy think!I didn't realize someone in front me!Oh no,I'm dead now!'

"Ahhh!!!What the heck!My shirt are wet now!"

With her head down,she heard the mad-man voice curse and yell.Then she observe at the guy in front her.

It was handsome young boy student.His face looked so smart and fresh.His pitch-black hair's style looks like that football player's Cristiano Ronaldo,had been comb with hair gel and looked neat.His height's so taller than her such like that giraffe or whatever isn't it actor,Lee Kwang Soo.Suddenly,she smells his cologne.His perfume made by Giorgio Armani,but it's different perfume then that guy who had saved her...

She stunned for awhile and looked at this human's eyes.His blue eyes looks luminous like moonlight in midnight..Their eyes met and gazed for five seconds.


The young guy moved his eyes and look over at the another place.

Shi Yan observe his nametag at student's ID card.

'Li Shuxian'

To be continue...
