(Still in the Student Treatment Room)

At a moment later,everyone who's waiting outside the room,now in the Student Treatment Room and looking at Shi Yan.

"Shi Yan are you okay?" Jie Qingye asked her with worried face.

"I'm okay teacher.Just feels a little dizzy. "Shi Yan speaked and smiled to Jie Qingye.

After that,Zheng Chuanli asks her. "Shi Yan,do you want some water?"

"No,thanks.I had drank the water awhile ago. "Shi Yan talked and smiled again to Zheng Chuanli.

Now the guy who's wore spectacles,enquire her. "Pretty girl,do you hungry?"

When Shi Yan wanted to answer but Li Shuxian reply he fast. "No,she don't feel hungry and she can't eat anything.Right,Teacher Jiuyang?"

Shi Yan glance at he with angry face and Li Shuxian just smirk annoyingly.

Jian Jiuyang don't see their expression just nodded and says. "Right,Shi Yan can't eat because she had eaten the medicine just now."


'But I'm hungry!!I didn't eat the lunch yet!!!' Shi Yan shrieked from her conscience.

Shi Yan talk after she memorize something. "By the way..Teacher Jian Jiuyang said that someone carried me..who's it?"

Zheng Chuanli glanced at Tao Mei and speak. "We don't know.I,Tao Mei and Teacher Qingye just arrived here earlier after we heard you fainted and looked you're already unconscious on the bed."

Shi Yan think while looked at the two guys. 'No way that the annoy guy beside me carried me right?Then it must be that glasses guy.'

When the two guys don't answer the question,Jian Jiuyang interrupt their conversation. "Shi Yan,it wa..."

"My daughterr!!!"

All of sudden there was a sounds of man voice shouted and got into the room.It looks like her beloved dad,Shi Xiao have came.

"I just informed your father about your condition when you woke up." Jian Jiuyang answered when she seen Shi Yan's face was startled.

'What?!!Why would you told my dad,teacher?!I'm dead now!!Nooo!!!'.Shi Yan thoughts turned to a big mess when she saw her father.

"My lovely daughter!Are you okay?!"Shi Xiao asked he with worried voice.

"Dad,I'm okay.I'm just fainted and that's all.No worries."Shi Yan speak slowly and looked at her beloved dad.

"What?!That's all?No worries?Your Teacher Jiuyang said it was because you're fatigue and your health's so feeble!Even you're injured your leg!" Shi Xiao screamed loudly until he realized that there was other peoples in the room. "Oh!I'm sorry!Could you give us some space to talk?"

With the calm face,Jian Jiuyang talk. "Yes,you may.We'll be at outside from this room.If you need anything,call me."


After they left,Shi Yan speak to his father.

"Daddy!I have already told you,I'm fine!"

Shi Xiao stare at his daughter with a little upset. "What?I don't saw you fine at all!I'm worried about you!You know that?!"

Shi Yan looked at her dad. "Dad,I knew you're anxious about me,okay?Could you please be patient first?"

Shi Xiao just sigh and be a little calm after heard his daughter's advice.After that he talk. "Alright,looks like this happened again..so I have hired you a bodyguard."

When she heard this,Shi Yan taken aback and shrieked. "Whatt?!!!"

"Don't shouted too loud!It's not good for your health!" Shi Xiao gave the caution for her.

A minute later.

After Shi Yan silent for a moment,she open her mouth and ask her father. "...Dad..Who and where's it?"

Shi Xiao just smiled at his daughter and talk. "You're lucky!Your bodyguard are here!Wait a second,I'll call he."

He goes to outside and omitted Shi Yan.


'Who's it?Already here?Is it a man or a woman?I hopes it'll be a woman!'

While she thinked to herself,the door open and her father came in with someone.

When she looked who's it,her jaw are dropped down and she screamed like a crazy woman saw an evil ghost.

"Ahh!!!Whatt?!!He's my bodyguard?!!!!!"